On Tuesday, 3 January 2017 11:18:56 CET Cédric Bosdonnat wrote:
virt-builder-repository allows users to easily create or update
a virt-builder source repository out of disk images. The tool can
be run in either interactive or automated mode.
Lots of code to review, so this is not an exhaustive review, neither
in the style nor in what is actually done; for some coding style issues,
I'm usually noting only one occurrence, so please check them in all the
builder/builder_repository.ml | 493
I'd call this source as repository_main.ml, similar to what was done
for virt-customize (although the reason was different), so there's a
pattern when the main source for an OCaml tool is not called "main.ml"
or "$tool.ml".
diff --git a/builder/Makefile.am b/builder/Makefile.am
index b1ccd49f3..d9f203381 100644
--- a/builder/Makefile.am
+++ b/builder/Makefile.am
-bin_PROGRAMS += virt-builder
+bin_PROGRAMS += virt-builder virt-builder-repository
You should add virt-builder-repository once, either here or below.
+# virt-builder repository creation tool
+bin_PROGRAMS += virt-builder-repository
+virt_builder_repository_SOURCES = $(REPOSITORY_SOURCES_C)
+virt_builder_repository_CPPFLAGS = \
+ -I. \
+ -I$(top_builddir) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib -I$(top_builddir)/gnulib/lib \
+ -I$(shell $(OCAMLC) -where) \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/gnulib/lib \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/src \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/fish
+virt_builder_repository_CFLAGS = \
+ -pthread \
+ -Wno-unused-macros \
+virt_builder_repository_DEPENDENCIES = \
+ ../mllib/mllib.$(MLARCHIVE) \
+ ../customize/customize.$(MLARCHIVE) \
+ $(top_srcdir)/ocaml-link.sh
+virt_builder_repository_LINK = \
+ $(top_srcdir)/ocaml-link.sh -cclib '$(OCAMLCLIBS)' -- \
I'd move the whole block quoted above after the same of
virt-builder, ...
+man_MANS += virt-builder-repository.1
+noinst_DATA += $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html
+virt-builder-repository.1 $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html:
+stamp-virt-builder-repository.pod: virt-builder-repository.pod
+ --man virt-builder-repository.1 \
+ --html $(top_builddir)/website/virt-builder-repository.1.html \
+ --license GPLv2+ \
+ --warning safe \
+ $<
+ touch $@
... and the same for this one, after the block of the documentation of
diff --git a/builder/builder_repository.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..682bc9405
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/builder_repository.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+let () = Random.self_init ()
Most probably this is not needed, since this tool will not need to get
random bytes.
+type cmdline = {
+ gpg : string;
+ gpgkey : string;
Make this a string option ref, so it's clearer to distinguish whether
a key was actually specified.
+ [ L"gpg-key" ], Getopt.Set_string
("gpgkey", gpgkey), s_"ID of the GPG key to sign the repo with";
I'd add a short alias, -K.
+ | _ ->
+ error (f_"too many parameters, at most one '/path/to/repo' is
"too many parameters, only one path to repository is allowed"
+let make_relative_path base absolute =
+ if Filename.is_relative absolute then
+ absolute
+ else
+ let expr = sprintf "^%s/\\(.+\\)$" (Str.quote base) in
+ if Str.string_match (Str.regexp expr) absolute 0 then
+ Str.matched_group 1 absolute
+ else
+ absolute
Hm the path in the "else" branch seems overkill; also, in one of the
patches by Tomáš [1] there's one small function, subfolder, which seems
to do the same job, so you could polish and add it to Common_utils first
(with unit tests, of course ;) ).
+let osinfo_get_short_ids () =
+ let get_ids xpathctx =
+ xpath_string_default xpathctx "/libosinfo/os/short-id" "" in
+ let ids = Osinfo.osinfo_read_db get_ids in
+ List.filter (fun id -> id <> "") ids
The last line can be simplified:
List.filter ((<>) "") ids
Also, the function is ok (modulo changes proposed in patch #4), but
it is called every time an osinfo short-id is requested... meaning
re-reading fully the whole osinfo-db. Please add a cache for this,
reading the osinfo-db only once at the first access.
Furthermore, since it's just a collection of strings, I'd use a
StringSet for the cache, so the lookup is fast.
+ (* Check that the paths are existing *)
+ if not (Sys.file_exists (cmdline.repo)) then
No need for round brackets around cmdline.repo.
+ (* Create a temporary folder to work in *)
+ let tmpdir = Mkdtemp.temp_dir ~base_dir:cmdline.repo
"virt-builder-repository." "" in
Too long line, please wrap it.
+ let sigchecker = Sigchecker.create ~gpg:cmdline.gpg
+ ~check_signature:false
+ ~gpgkey:No_Key
+ ~tmpdir:tmpdir in
When the variable for a labelled argument is named exactly like the
labelled argument, it can be simplified: ~foo:foo -> ~foo.
+ let index =
+ try
+ let index_filename =
+ List.find (
+ fun filename -> Sys.file_exists (cmdline.repo // filename)
Since it is done every iteration (and also below),
cmdline.repo // filename could be saved in a variable at the beginning
in this try block.
+ let downloader = Downloader.create ~curl:"curl"
~cache:None ~tmpdir:tmpdir in
Maybe the path to curl could be made configurable like in virt-builder.
+ let source = { Sources.name = "input";
+ uri = (cmdline.repo // index_filename);
Extra round brackets.
+ (* Check for index/interactive consistency *)
+ if not cmdline.interactive && index == [] then
+ error (f_"The repository needs to contain an index file when running in
automated mode");
Messages for error should not start as capitalized sentence.
+ let is_supported_format file =
+ String.is_suffix file "qcow2" ||
+ String.is_suffix file "raw" ||
+ String.is_suffix file "img" in
This function could be in the same block of 'let images' below, as
it is not useful outside. Also, Filename.check_suffix could fit better
Another note is that I've seen filenames for disk images with no
extension, e.g. "SomeDisk" or "instance-hda". Maybe we could pick
also those files, or try to detect files with unknown extension: the
problem is that there is no simple way IIRC to detect RAW images as
+ let images =
+ let files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir cmdline.repo) in
+ List.filter (fun f -> is_supported_format f) files in
The last line can be simplified:
List.filter is_supported files
+ if r <> 0 then
+ error (f_"cp command failed copying '%s'") file;
I guess "copying" can be left out from the error message, since
mentioning cp implies that already, sort of :)
+ let process_image filename repo index interactive = (
No need for round brackets around whole functions, there is the "in"
at the end already.
Also, I'd move this big function as top-level in the file, making the
"main" easier to read.
+ printf "Preparing %s...\n" filename;
+ let filepath = repo // filename in
+ let qemuimg_cmd = "qemu-img info --output json " ^ (quote filepath) in
+ let lines = external_command qemuimg_cmd in
+ let line = String.concat "" lines in
I'd concat the lines with \n, because IIRC the error messages of the
yajl library include the line number information.
+ let infos = yajl_tree_parse line in
+ let format = object_get_string "format" infos in
+ let size = object_get_number "virtual-size" infos in
The code for getting size and format of a disk image fits as separate
helper function IMHO.
+ let xz_path = compress_to filepath cmdline.repo in
+ let checksum = Checksums.get_checksum (Checksums.SHA512 "") xz_path in
+ let compressed_size = (Unix.stat xz_path).Unix.st_size in
+ let ask message = (
+ printf (f_ message);
+ let value = read_line () in
+ match value with
+ | "" -> None
+ | s -> Some s
+ ) in
+ let rec ask_id () = (
+ printf (f_"Identifier: ");
Small hint: when ask details about an image, either put the basename of
the file (i.e. "Identifier (foo.qcow2): ") or use the "info"
to print the progress (like the other tools do).
+ if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp
"[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+") id 0) then (
+ printf (f_"Allowed characters are letters, digits, - _ and .\n");
Such messages should use 'warning' IMHO.
+ let ask_arch () = (
+ printf (f_"Architecture. Choose one from the list below:\n");
+ let arches = ["x86_64"; "aarch64"; "armv7l";
"i686"; "ppc64"; "ppc64le"; "s390x" ] in
+ iteri (
+ fun i arch -> printf " [%d] %s\n" (i + 1) arch
+ ) arches;
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ let n = List.length arches in
+ while !i < 1 || !i > n do
+ let input = read_line () in
+ if input = "exit" || input = "q" || input = "quit"
+ exit 0
+ else
+ try i := int_of_string input
+ with Failure _ -> ()
+ done;
+ List.nth arches (!i - 1)
+ ) in
While giving a choice of the common options is a good thing, I'd still
accept arbitrary architectures, as there is no limitation in other
parts of libguestfs. If the input cannot parsed as integer, use the
input string as-in.
+ let osinfo_exists = List.exists (fun id -> osinfo = id)
ids in
List.exists ((=) osinfo) ids
+ with
+ | Failure _ -> ("", {Index.printable_name = None;
Hm weird indentation, I'd indent it like:
| Failure ->
let entry = { Index.foo = ...;
} in
( "", entry }
+ let printable_name =
+ if printable_name = None && interactive then
+ ask "Display name: "
Missing translation for this string.
+ let arch =
+ if arch = "" && interactive then
+ ask_arch ()
+ else (
+ if arch = "" then
+ error (f_"Missing architecture");
+ arch
+ ) in
Hmm convoluted conditions, I'd make it simplier:
let arch =
if arch = "" then (
if interactive then ask_arch ()
else error (f_"missing architecture for %s") short_id
) else arch in
+ (id, {Index.printable_name = printable_name;
Space between '{' and Index.etc.
+ osinfo = osinfo;
+ file_uri = Filename.basename xz_path;
+ arch = arch;
+ signature_uri = None;
+ checksums = Some [(Checksums.SHA512 checksum)];
+ revision = revision;
+ format = Some format;
+ size = size;
+ compressed_size = Some (Int64.of_int compressed_size);
+ expand = expand;
+ lvexpand = lvexpand;
+ notes = notes;
+ hidden = hidden;
+ aliases = aliases;
+ sigchecker = sigchecker;
+ proxy = Curl.UnsetProxy})
+ (* Generate entries for uncompressed images *)
+ let written_ids =
+ List.map (
+ fun filename ->
+ let (id, new_entry) = process_image filename cmdline.repo
+ index cmdline.interactive in
No need for round brackets, as the return value is automatically
+ Index.print_entry index_channel (id, new_entry);
Note print_entry is designed mostly as debugging helper, not as way to
recreate the native index again -- for example, text lines in notes are
not indented. I'd add a new function in Index_parser to do this
specifically (we can always rename the module to something more
fitting later on).
+ output_string index_channel "\n";
+ id
+ ) images in
+ (* Write the unchanged entries *)
+ List.iter (
+ fun (id, {Index.printable_name = printable_name;
+ osinfo = osinfo;
+ file_uri = file_uri;
+ arch = arch;
+ signature_uri = signature_uri;
+ checksums = checksums;
+ revision = revision;
+ format = format;
+ size = size;
+ compressed_size = compressed_size;
+ expand = expand;
+ lvexpand = lvexpand;
+ notes = notes;
+ hidden = hidden;
+ aliases = aliases;
+ sigchecker = sigchecker;
+ proxy = proxy}) ->
No need to extract all the struct values to create a new struct just
for changing one or more values -- use the "with" keyword:
let entry = { ... } in
let new = { entry with size = 10; ... } in
+ (* Remove the index file since we have the signed version of it
+ Sys.remove (tmprepo // "index")
Small TODO item: command line option to not remove the unsigned index
when signing -- useful to keep the unsigned index in VCS/etc, while
publishing only the signed one.
+ let cmd = [ "mv"; filepath;
+ (filepath ^ ".bak") ] in
+ if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+ error (f_"Failed to create %s backup copy") filename
I'd use a simple helper function, do_mv, for this and the mv below,
similar to do_cp in dib/utils.ml.
+ List.iter (
+ fun filename ->
+ let cmd = [ "mv"; tmprepo // filename;
+ cmdline.repo ] in
+ if run_command cmd <> 0 then
+ error (f_"Failed to move %s in repository") (tmprepo // filename)
+ ) (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir tmprepo));
No need to convert the Array returned by Sys.readdir to List to iterate
it, you can iterate just fine on an Array.
diff --git a/builder/virt-builder-repository.pod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..29d86b4ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builder/virt-builder-repository.pod
+ [template_id]
+ name=template display name
+ file=template_filename.qcow.xz
+ arch=x86_64
+ revision=0
+ size=0
Hm, this makes me think Index_parser.get_index could have a "template"
parameter and not abort for fields missing that are considered mandatory
when parsing a real index.
+The file value needs to match the image name extended with the
+suffix. Other optional data can be prefilled, for more informations,
+see the I<Creating and signing the index file> section in
+L<virt-builder(1)> man page.
Use L<virt-builder(1)/Creating and signing the index file>, so it
creates the proper linking in HTML.
Pino Toscano