On Wednesday, 9 August 2017 19:23:43 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
+let parse_version_from_major_minor str data =
+ if verbose () then
+ eprintf "parse_version_from_major_minor: parsing '%s'\n%!" str;
+ if PCRE.matches re_major_minor str ||
+ PCRE.matches re_major_no_minor str then (
+ let major =
+ try Some (int_of_string (PCRE.sub 1))
+ with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> None in
+ let minor =
+ try Some (int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2))
+ with Not_found | Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> None in
+ match major, minor with
+ | None, None
+ | None, Some _ -> ()
+ | Some major, None -> data.version <- Some (major, 0)
+ | Some major, Some minor -> data.version <- Some (major, minor)
+ )
IMHO this is more complex than needed:
if PCRE.matches re_major_minor str (
let major = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 1) in
let minor = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 2) in
data.version <- Some (major, minor)
else if PCRE.matches re_major_no_minor str then (
let major = int_of_string (PCRE.sub 1) in
data.version <- Some (major, 0)
After all, the regexps should already ensure the captures are
available, and that they caught integer values.
Pino Toscano