  • 16 participants
  • 36 discussions
hivex: Test failure for Perl, OCaml, Python bindings on sparc
by Hilko Bengen
13 years, 8 months
[PATCH] [hivex] Use Python's distutils to determine include and site-packages directories.
by Hilko Bengen
13 years, 8 months
virt-edit rewritten in C
by Richard W.M. Jones
13 years, 8 months
Re: [Libguestfs] running libguestfs as a service?
by Richard W.M. Jones
13 years, 8 months
[PATCH 0/3] Add support for guestfish -d UUID (etc)
by Richard W.M. Jones
13 years, 8 months
Ubuntu packages problems
by Evangelos Angelou
13 years, 8 months
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