On Tuesday 30 of June 2015 15:22:27 Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
It has been a ludicrously long time (over 8 months) since the last
stable release of libguestfs. So I'd like to plan a new 1.30 release
Please follow-up if there are features / blockers / bugs that need to
be addressed for 1.30.
I propose to have virt-dib included. The newer review request was published
few days ago:
virt-dib is an alternative engine for running diskimage-builder elements.
It allows to run them in a more secure way, providing isolation from the host
I didn't test the last revision, but I helped testing images generated with
the first versions; both plain images and more complex ones, like the images
used by OpenStack Sahara (few combination of operating systems and Hadoop
Few small errors can pop up of course with more testing, but I think that the
structure is fine. I can't comment on the code, though.