On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 02:01:11PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
(this reproduces at commit 0687cea6a86e; IOW the regression is not
the recent GTK-related patches, but due to building p2v with GTK3. as
opposed to GTK2)
In the first dialog, when the Test Connection button is clicked, a
spinner is supposed to be shown to the left, while p2v communicates via
v2v over ssh. This spinner is seen when running virt-p2v directly, but
not when running virt-p2v from a VM (using either a Live CD, or the
"run-virt-p2v-in-a-vm" makefile target).
I can see the spinner when running locally.
After hacking Makefile.am so it builds the VM with fedora-36 (I'm
actually using Fedora 37 and there is no virt-builder template), I was
able to do 'make run-virt-p2v-in-a-vm', and I _did_ see the spinner
there too.
No idea why it works for me and not for you.
This difference is not seen when virt-p2v is built with GTK2; in
case, *both* scenarios (direct & VM) show the spinner properly.
I don't have an idea what the cause is. I vaguely suspect it could be
related to the windowing environment (window manager) in use. It pretty
much looks like a GTK3 bug to me; whatever the windowing environment,
the spinner should either be there or not. (It's possible that we have a
virt-p2v bug, of course, but why isn't the symptom consistent then? GTK3
should not have a dependency at all on the Window Manager.)
On my laptop: gtk3-3.24.34-2.fc37.x86_64
Inside the p2v VM: gtk3-3.24.34-1.fc36.x86_64
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch