On Wed, Sep 02, 2015 at 03:04:46PM +0200, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
Suse linux 10 64 bits, using virt-p2v-livecd-1.28.1-1.49.1-el7.iso
to P2V towards oVirt. After a nice connection to the P2V server, the
P2V GUI is showing its usual very verbose log (supermin, etc...) and
got stuck into a loop showing a 3 pages log of one single long line
beginning with "libguestfs: trace: command_lines = [...", and I see
no NFS mounting neither any disk filling.
Judging from this description, it was hanging when using Augeas, after
the part where it detects the list of installed kernel packages (in
the log file, after it prints "installed kernel packages in this guest").
Why it should hang there is a bit of a mystery. There is nothing
unusual and no errors in the log.
There is an fstrim command which takes 86 seconds to run, but that's
not 3 hours.
Anyway, I don't know, but as long as it eventually completes I guess
there was no problem in the end.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
libguestfs lets you edit virtual machines. Supports shell scripting,
bindings from many languages.