Since /dev and other directories contain sub-mounts, suggest using
--rbind instead of --bind. This also allows us to remove the /dev/pts
rescue/rescue.c | 7 +++----
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/rescue/rescue.c b/rescue/rescue.c
index 53afdae..9a7c988 100644
--- a/rescue/rescue.c
+++ b/rescue/rescue.c
@@ -453,10 +453,9 @@ do_suggestion (struct drv *drvs)
/* If it's Linux, print the bind-mounts. */
if (type && STREQ (type, "linux")) {
- printf ("mount --bind /dev /sysroot/dev\n");
- printf ("mount --bind /dev/pts /sysroot/dev/pts\n");
- printf ("mount --bind /proc /sysroot/proc\n");
- printf ("mount --bind /sys /sysroot/sys\n");
+ printf ("mount --rbind /dev /sysroot/dev\n");
+ printf ("mount --rbind /proc /sysroot/proc\n");
+ printf ("mount --rbind /sys /sysroot/sys\n");
printf ("\n");
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rescue/rescue.c | 5 ++++-
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/rescue/rescue.c b/rescue/rescue.c
index 9a7c988..8180ba0 100644
--- a/rescue/rescue.c
+++ b/rescue/rescue.c
@@ -451,11 +451,14 @@ do_suggestion (struct drv *drvs)
for (j = 0; mps[j] != NULL; j += 2)
printf ("mount %s /sysroot%s\n", mps[j+1], mps[j]);
- /* If it's Linux, print the bind-mounts. */
+ /* If it's Linux, print the bind-mounts and a chroot command. */
if (type && STREQ (type, "linux")) {
printf ("mount --rbind /dev /sysroot/dev\n");
printf ("mount --rbind /proc /sysroot/proc\n");
printf ("mount --rbind /sys /sysroot/sys\n");
+ printf ("\n");
+ printf ("cd /sysroot\n");
+ printf ("chroot /sysroot\n");
printf ("\n");