Highlight that the tool is not a general purpose snapshotting tool.
Add some examples.
snapshot/v2v-snapshot.pl | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
1 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/snapshot/v2v-snapshot.pl b/snapshot/v2v-snapshot.pl
index ce66bca..8408d13 100755
--- a/snapshot/v2v-snapshot.pl
+++ b/snapshot/v2v-snapshot.pl
@@ -48,11 +48,13 @@ v2v-snapshot - Convert a guest to use a qcow2 snapshot for storage
-v2v-snapshot is a tool for creating a local snapshot of a guest's storage. It
-is suitable for use when making a change to a guest which might have to be
-rolled back. It is not intended as a long-term storage option. v2v-snapshot
-creates a qcow2 snapshot for all a guest's block devices and updates the guest's
-libvirt domain to use them.
+v2v-snapshot is a tool for creating a local snapshot of a guest's storage. It is
+suitable for use when making a change to a guest which might have to be rolled
+back. v2v-snapshot creates a qcow2 snapshot for all a guest's block devices and
+updates the guest's libvirt domain to use them.
+B<v2v-snapshot can only snapshot a guest which is shutdown. It is not intended
+as a long-term storage option.>
When a change has been tested, v2v-snapshot can either commit the change, which
will update the original storage with the changes made to the snapshot, or
@@ -757,6 +759,73 @@ sub _get_xml_path
return $xmldir.'/'._get_guest_name($dom).'.xml';
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=head2 Snapshot a local guest
+This example covers snapshotting a guest which is available through libvirt on
+the local machine. The guest domain's name is I<E<lt>guestE<gt>>.
+First ensure the guest is shutdown:
+ # virsh destroy <guest>
+Snapshot the guest:
+ # v2v-snapshot <guest>
+Start the guest, make some changes, modify hardware, test changes. To commit
+the changes:
+ # v2v-snapshot --commit <guest>
+Alternatively, to rollback the changes:
+ # v2v-snapshot --rollback <guest>
+=head2 Snapshot an imported guest
+This example covers snapshotting a guest which has been copied from another
+machine. For this to work you must have the domain XML exported from the origin
+ (Origin) # virsh dumpxml <guest> > guest.xml
+You must also present all of the guest's disk images to the local machine in the
+locations specified in guest.xml. If copying the images, the easiest
+way to achieve this is to copy it to the same path on the local machine as it
+had on the origin machine. If the storage can be remotely mounted, it should be
+presented to the local machine with the same paths as on the origin machine. If
+the location of the storage must change, you must manually edit guest.xml to
+reflect the new paths.
+If it is possible to create the domain on the local machine:
+ # v2v-snapshot -i libvirtxml guest.xml
+This command will create the imported domain locally with snapshot storage.
+If it is not possible to create the domain locally, for example because it is a
+Xen domain and the local libvirt cannot manage Xen domains:
+ # v2v-snapshot -o snapshot-guest.xml -i libvirtxml guest.xml
+This command does not attempt the create the domain locally, which would fail.
+Instead it writes updated domain XML to I<snapshot-guest.xml>. The disks in
+snapshot-guest.xml point to the newly created snapshot volumes.
+The latter method of import is intended for use when importing a Xen domain from
+a origin machine for conversion with L<virt-v2v(1)>. virt-v2v should be given
+I<snapshot-guest.xml> as the domain XML.
=head1 SEE ALSO
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