There are two parts to this change.
(1) libguestfs >= 1.23.5 will require Augeas >= 1.0.0.
Augeas is a library for parsing and editing Linux configuration files.
Previously Augeas was optional, and that will remain true in
libguestfs < 1.23.5. It has always been highly recommended because
it's a great little library and if you don't have it then significant
inspection features don't work.
While fixing the following bug:
I had to pick Augeas >= 1.0.0 [*], and at the same time I decided to
make Augeas required.
(2) Augeas 1.0.0 shipped with another bug which affects inspection:
So if you are thinking of adding or updating Augeas in your distro in
order to cater for (1), then it's worth also including the following
patch which fixes this bug:
[*] Since the library ABI changed -- or we were using it wrong
depending on whom you believe.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.