On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 04:08:31PM +0800, cyliu7 wrote:
Hi all,
I have a long term running program which call libguestfs to check VM
images. but i found that each time after i call guestfs_close(), the
qeum-system-x86 process which is forked by libguestfs changes to
<defunct> process.
as docs of guestfs_close said "This closes the connection handle and
frees up all resources used.", so this is a bug or is there any other
way to clear them.
It should remove them automatically -- in fact it does for me.
You'll need to give us some more details about your system:
What operating system is this?
What version of libguestfs?
Did you use our binaries or compile it yourself?
Are you using the C API directly?
Do you get the same problem from guestfish or from libguestfs-test-tool?
Richard Jones, Emerging Technologies, Red Hat
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