On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 01:48:17AM -0800, edwintorok wrote:
Following the link to builder.ml from your blogpost I noticed the
make_random_password () function, and I have some suggestions, well
nitpicks really. See the 2 commits from this pull request.
1. Using Ocaml's buffered I/O means that one
make_random_password() call reads 64k bytes from /dev/urandom which
drops the system's entropy to minimum ~128 bits. The fix is to
use unbuffered I/O from the Unix module.
2. There is a modulo bias when generating the random password:
[0,256) mod 60 won't give you uniformly distributed bytes. In
this particular case it probably doesn't matter, but you never
know when someone copy+pastes your code into their project thinking
this is a proper way to generate random passwords, so IMHO its best
to avoid the modulo bias. See here for more details:
http://eternallyconfuzzled.com/arts/jsw_art_rand.aspx And see
arc4random_uniform's implementation:
Thanks. I have modified the patches a fair bit because it turns out
there are 2 other places where we make the same mistake. The result
is this:
3. The generated password needs ~2^107 brute-force attempts (16 *
log2(60) + log2(default_rounds=5000)), which is more than enough of
course, but usually 128-bit strength is used for keys. A password
length of 20 characters would achieve that. My pull request
doesn't include this change, its up to you.
It could be worth making this change. On the other hand it can be
easily mitigated if people supply the password, and the 16 character
random password is hard enough to type as it is -- a nice example of
the trade-off between security vs usability :-(
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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