On Tue, Apr 04, 2017 at 07:39:25PM +0300, Matteo Cafasso wrote:
+let daemon_functions = [
+ { defaults with
+ name = "yara_load"; added = (1, 37, 9);
+ style = RErr, [FileIn "filename";], [OString "namespace"];
Extra semicolon.
+ progress = true; cancellable = true;
+ optional = Some "libyara";
+ shortdesc = "load yara rules within libguestfs";
+ longdesc = "\
+Load a set of Yara rules from F<filename> within libguestfs appliance.
+Rules can be in binary format, as when compiled with yarac command, or
+in source code format. In the latter case, the rules will be first
+compiled and then loaded.
+Rules in source code format cannot include external files. In such cases,
+it is recommended to compile them first.
+Different rules files can be loaded sequentially. The optional parameter
+C<namespace> can be used to distinguish rules with the same identifier
+but belonging to different files." };
If you mean to write several paragraphs, then put a blank line
between paragraphs, ie:
+ longdesc = "\
+Load a set of Yara rules from F<filename> within libguestfs appliance.
+Rules can be in binary format, as when compiled with yarac command, or
+in source code format. In the latter case, the rules will be first
+compiled and then loaded.
+Rules in source code format cannot include external files. In such cases,
+it is recommended to compile them first.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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