The symbols file generated in the Debian package to aid the package
maintainer automatically detect future changes shows internal library
and helper function names, whereas it should only be exporting hivex_*
function names. This page may help with this:
asnprintf@Base 1.2.1
c_isalnum@Base 1.2.1
c_isalpha@Base 1.2.1
c_isascii@Base 1.2.1
c_isblank@Base 1.2.1
c_iscntrl@Base 1.2.1
c_isdigit@Base 1.2.1
c_isgraph@Base 1.2.1
c_islower@Base 1.2.1
c_isprint@Base 1.2.1
c_ispunct@Base 1.2.1
c_isspace@Base 1.2.1
c_isupper@Base 1.2.1
c_isxdigit@Base 1.2.1
c_tolower@Base 1.2.1
c_toupper@Base 1.2.1
exit_failure@Base 1.2.1
full_read@Base 1.2.1
full_write@Base 1.2.1
printf_fetchargs@Base 1.2.1
printf_parse@Base 1.2.1
program_name@Base 1.2.1
safe_read@Base 1.2.1
safe_write@Base 1.2.1
set_program_name@Base 1.2.1
vasnprintf@Base 1.2.1
xstrtol@Base 1.2.1
xstrtol_fatal@Base 1.2.1
xstrtoll@Base 1.2.1
xstrtoul@Base 1.2.1
xstrtoull@Base 1.2.1