Tested on:
- Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit
v2v/convert_windows.ml | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 199 insertions(+)
diff --git a/v2v/convert_windows.ml b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
index e966341..f9517a8 100644
--- a/v2v/convert_windows.ml
+++ b/v2v/convert_windows.ml
@@ -329,6 +329,14 @@ echo uninstalling Xen PV driver
(block, net)
and add_viostor_to_critical_device_database root current_cs =
+ let { i_major_version = major; i_minor_version = minor;
+ i_arch = arch } = inspect in
+ if (major == 6 && minor >= 2) || major >= 7 then (* Windows >= 8 *)
+ add_viostor_to_critical_device_database_ddb root arch current_cs
+ else (* Windows <= 7 *)
+ add_viostor_to_critical_device_database_cddb root current_cs
+ and add_viostor_to_critical_device_database_cddb root current_cs =
(* See
* NB: All these edits are in the HKLM\SYSTEM hive. No other
* hive may be modified here.
@@ -382,6 +390,197 @@ echo uninstalling Xen PV driver
reg_import g root regedits
+ and add_viostor_to_critical_device_database_ddb root arch current_cs =
+ (* Windows >= 8 doesn't use the CriticalDeviceDatabase. Instead
+ * one must add keys into the DriverDatabase.
+ *)
+ let viostor_inf =
+ let arch =
+ match arch with
+ | "x86_64" -> "amd64"
+ | "i386" | "i486" | "i585" | "i686" ->
+ | _ ->
+ error (f_"when adding viostor to the DriverDatabase, unknown
architecture: %s") arch in
+ (* XXX I don't know what the significance of the c863.. string is. It
+ * may even be random.
+ *)
+ sprintf "viostor.inf_%s_%s" arch "c86329aaeb0a7904" in
+ let scsi_adapter_guid = "{4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}" in
+ let oem1_inf = "oem1.inf" in
+ (* There should be a key
+ * HKLM\SYSTEM\DriverDatabase\DeviceIds\{4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}.
+ * We want to add:
+ * "oem1.inf"=hex(0):
+ *)
+ let () =
+ let node =
+ try get_node root [ "DriverDatabase"; "DeviceIds";
scsi_adapter_guid ]
+ with Not_found ->
+ error (f_"cannot find HKLM\\SYSTEM\\DriverDatabase\\DeviceIds\\%s in the
guest registry") scsi_adapter_guid in
+ g#hivex_node_set_value node oem1_inf (* REG_NONE *) 0_L "" in
+ (* There should be a key
+ * HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
+ * There may be subkey(s) of this called "0000", "0001" etc. We
+ * to create the next free subkey.
+ *)
+ let controller_path =
+ [ current_cs; "Control"; "Class"; scsi_adapter_guid ] in
+ let controller_offset =
+ let node =
+ try get_node root controller_path
+ with Not_found ->
+ error (f_"cannot find HKLM\\SYSTEM\\%s in the guest registry")
+ (String.concat "\\" controller_path) in
+ let rec loop node i =
+ let controller_offset = sprintf "%04d" i in
+ let child = g#hivex_node_get_child node controller_offset in
+ if child = 0_L then controller_offset else loop node (i+1)
+ in
+ loop node 0 in
+ let regedits = [
+ controller_path @ [ controller_offset ],
+ [ "DriverDate", REG_SZ "6-4-2014";
+ "DriverDateData", REG_BINARY
+ "DriverDesc", REG_SZ "Red Hat VirtIO SCSI controller";
+ "DriverVersion", REG_SZ "" (* XXX *);
+ "InfPath", REG_SZ oem1_inf;
+ "InfSection", REG_SZ "rhelscsi_inst";
+ "MatchingDeviceId", REG_SZ
+ "ProviderName", REG_SZ "Red Hat, Inc." ];
+ [ current_cs; "Enum"; "PCI";
+ [ "Capabilities", REG_DWORD 0x6_l;
+ "ClassGUID", REG_SZ scsi_adapter_guid;
+ "CompatibleIDs", REG_MULTI_SZ [
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&REV_00";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&CC_010000";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&CC_0100";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4";
+ "PCI\\VEN_010000";
+ "PCI\\VEN_0100";
+ ];
+ "ConfigFlags", REG_DWORD 0_l;
+ "ContainerID", REG_SZ
+ "DeviceDesc", REG_SZ (sprintf "(a)%s,%%rhelscsi.devicedesc%%;Red
Hat VirtIO SCSI controller" oem1_inf);
+ "Driver", REG_SZ (sprintf "%s\\%s" scsi_adapter_guid
+ "HardwareID", REG_MULTI_SZ [
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&CC_010000";
+ "PCI\\VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&CC_0100";
+ ];
+ "LocationInformation", REG_SZ
"(a)System32\\drivers\\pci.sys,#65536;PCI bus %1, device %2, function
+ "Mfg", REG_SZ (sprintf "@%s,%%rhel%%;Red Hat, Inc."
+ "ParentIdPrefix", REG_SZ "4&87f7bfb&0";
+ "Service", REG_SZ "viostor";
+ "UINumber", REG_DWORD 0x7_l ];
+ [ current_cs; "Services"; "viostor" ],
+ [ "ErrorControl", REG_DWORD 0x1_l;
+ "Group", REG_SZ "SCSI miniport";
+ "ImagePath", REG_EXPAND_SZ
+ "Owners", REG_MULTI_SZ [ oem1_inf ];
+ "Start", REG_DWORD 0x0_l;
+ "Tag", REG_DWORD 0x58_l;
+ "Type", REG_DWORD 0x1_l ];
+ [ current_cs; "Services"; "viostor"; "Parameters"
+ [ "BusType", REG_DWORD 0x1_l ];
+ [ current_cs; "Services"; "viostor"; "Parameters";
"PnpInterface" ],
+ [ "5", REG_DWORD 0x1_l ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverInfFiles"; oem1_inf ],
+ [ "", REG_MULTI_SZ [ viostor_inf ];
+ "Active", REG_SZ viostor_inf;
+ "Configurations", REG_MULTI_SZ [ "rhelscsi_inst" ]
+ ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DeviceIds"; "PCI";
"VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4&REV_00" ],
+ [ oem1_inf, REG_BINARY "\x01\xff\x00\x00" ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf ],
+ [ "", REG_SZ oem1_inf;
+ "F6", REG_DWORD 0x1_l;
+ "InfName", REG_SZ "viostor.inf";
+ "OemPath", REG_SZ
("X:\\windows\\System32\\DriverStore\\FileRepository\\" ^ viostor_inf);
+ "Provider", REG_SZ "Red Hat, Inc.";
+ "SignerName", REG_SZ "Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility
+ "SignerScore", REG_DWORD 0x0d000005_l;
+ "StatusFlags", REG_DWORD 0x00000012_l;
+ (* NB: scsi_adapter_guid appears inside this string. *)
+ "Version", REG_BINARY
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst" ],
+ [ "ConfigFlags", REG_DWORD 0_l;
+ "Service", REG_SZ "viostor" ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Device" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Device"; "Interrupt
Management" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Device"; "Interrupt
Management"; "Affinity Policy" ],
+ [ "DevicePolicy", REG_DWORD 0x00000005_l ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Device"; "Interrupt
Management"; "MessageSignaledInterruptProperties" ],
+ [ "MSISupported", REG_DWORD 0x00000001_l;
+ "MessageNumberLimit", REG_DWORD 0x00000002_l ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Services" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Services";
"viostor" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Services";
"viostor"; "Parameters" ],
+ [ "BusType", REG_DWORD 0x00000001_l ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Configurations"; "rhelscsi_inst"; "Services";
"viostor"; "Parameters"; "PnpInterface" ],
+ [ "5", REG_DWORD 0x00000001_l ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Descriptors" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Descriptors"; "PCI" ],
+ [];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Descriptors"; "PCI";
"VEN_1AF4&DEV_1001&SUBSYS_00021AF4&REV_00" ],
+ [ "Configuration", REG_SZ "rhelscsi_inst";
+ "Description", REG_SZ "%rhelscsi.devicedesc%";
+ "Manufacturer", REG_SZ "%rhel%" ];
+ [ "DriverDatabase"; "DriverPackages"; viostor_inf;
"Strings" ],
+ [ "rhel", REG_SZ "Red Hat, Inc.";
+ "rhelscsi.devicedesc", REG_SZ "Red Hat VirtIO SCSI
controller" ];
+ ] in
+ reg_import g root regedits;
+ (*
+ A few more keys which we don't add above. Note that "oem1.inf" ==
+ 6f,00,65,00,6d,00,31,00,2e,00,69,00,6e,00,66,00.
+ @=hex(ffff0012):6f,00,65,00,6d,00,31,00,2e,00,69,00,6e,00,66,00,00,00
+ *)
and update_software_hive root =
(* Update the SOFTWARE hive. When this function is called the
* hive has already been opened as a hivex handle inside