Obvious change given the previous patch, so ACK.
I do wonder if we should make the notify parameter mandatory (and
therefore avoid the duplicate functions).
Another trick you might do if feeling really keen is to
programmatically generate the notify variants of commands, something
like this:
let make_notify_variant_of_call ({ args; longdesc } as call) =
let args = List.rev args in
let flags, args = List.hd args, List.tl args in
assert (flags = Flags "flags");
let args = flags :: CallbackPersist ("notify", [ etc ]) :: args in
let args = List.rev args in
let longdesc = longdesc ^ "\nThe C<notify> callback blah blah ..." in
{ call with args; longdesc }
let aio_pwrite_call = {
default_call with
args = [ BytesPersistIn ("buf", "count"); UInt64 "offset";
Flags "flags" ]; ]
(* etc copy the definition of aio_pwrite *)
let aio_pwrite_notify_call = make_notify_variant_of_call aio_pwrite_call
let handle_calls = [
"aio_pwrite", aio_pwrite_call;
"aio_pwrite_notify", aio_pwrite_notify_call;
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
virt-df lists disk usage of guests without needing to install any
software inside the virtual machine. Supports Linux and Windows.