On 11/09/22 20:47, Eric Blake wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 01:36:26PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
>>>> -=item 4, 5, 6, 7
>>>> +=item S<4>
>>> The S<> notation seems new here (so it's going to be inconsistent
>>> the rest of this file, I think).
>> I was going to mention this too. The S<> notation is used to insert
>> non-breaking spaces (for output formats that support it) in a span of
>> text so that it won't be folded over multiple lines. AFAIK it
>> shouldn't have any effect here.
> Ah, but it does:
> Pod input around line 121: Expected text after =item, not a number
> The use of S<> is there to keep the pod formatter happy when =item's
> sole argument would otherwise look like a number instead of arbitrary
> text.
Sigh. :)
Thanks for the reminder. I've now found that
["docs/virt-v2v-output-local.pod" in the v2v tree] is a good
demonstration for numbered lists, bullet lists, and "option" list.
Interestingly, perlpod(1) does not recommend S<> for this kind of
escaping, it recommends Z<>:
• And perhaps most importantly, keep the items
consistent: either use "=item *" for all of them, to
produce bullets; or use "=item 1.", "=item 2.", etc.,
to produce numbered lists; or use "=item foo", "=item
bar", etc.--namely, things that look nothing like
bullets or numbers. (If you have a list that contains
both: 1) things that don't look like bullets nor
numbers, plus 2) things that do, you should preface
the bullet- or number-like items with "Z<>". See
below for an example.)
If you start with bullets or numbers, stick with them,
as formatters use the first "=item" type to decide how
to format the list.
"S<text>" -- text contains non-breaking spaces
This means that the words in text should not be broken
across lines. Example: "S<$x ? $y : $z>".
"Z<>" -- a null (zero-effect) formatting code
Another use is to indicate that stuff in "=item
Z<>stuff..." is not to be considered to be a bullet or
number. For example, without the "Z<>", the line
=item Z<>500 Server error
could possibly be parsed as an item in a numbered list when
it isn't meant to be.
More interestingly, *this particular use* of Z<> is not documented in
the RHEL7 manual of perlpod(1) -- the above quote is from Fedora 35! So
that lack of specific documentation on RHEL7 might be why we chose to
wrap the digits in S<>, rather than to isolate them with Z<>.
Actually the first I've heard of Z<> formatting. Could be a recent
addition as you say. We do need to keep things working on RHEL 7 (as
far as possible without heroics).
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat