On Sat, Mar 24, 2012 at 09:12:08PM -0700, THO HUYNH wrote:
I downloaded the libguestfs-1.17.21.tar.gz tarball from
I tried to compile the package but I got this error in "make" step:
virt_df-domains.o: In function `add_domain':
/home/feeliwood/Downloads/libguestfs-1.17.21/df/domains.c:274: undefined reference to
Do you have any hints?
This looks like a bug actually. I've not seen it happen here however.
virt-df is the only program that requires this symbol, so if you like
you can just bypass that subdirectory and continue the build. Edit
'Makefile.am' and change:
# virt-tools in C.
- SUBDIRS += align cat df edit format inspector rescue
+ SUBDIRS += align cat edit format inspector rescue
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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