On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 04:58:11PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
On Tue, Dec 01, 2015 at 03:59:56PM +0100, Mateusz Guzik wrote:
> CHROOT_IN/OUT around commandvf are definitely problematic. chroot should be
> done in the child, which also removes the need to chroot out in the
> parent.
The CHROOT_IN/OUT business does need to be rewritten. Every
instance where we currently do something like:
r = stat (fd, &statbuf);
Ouch. Fortunately commandvf change should be easy.
should instead be forking a subprocess, chrooting in the subprocess,
and doing the system call in the subprocess.
The problem which makes it not so easy is that instead of using a nice
local variable, we would have to pass back the result from a
subprocess to the parent process (the pair (r, statbuf) in the above
So that means .. a pipe, and serializing the result down the pipe.
The good news is that since this all runs on the same machine in the
same compiled program, it's quite acceptable to dump a C struct into
the pipe.
But it's still a lot of work .. patches welcome of course.
This looks very problematic.
CHROOT_OUT is mere chroot ("."), which suggests that that cwd for
virt-builder is "/". This means anything using aforementioned construct
has to use absolute paths, otherwise it looks names up against the real
"/". For current code it would make sense to somewhow check if all
passed paths are absolute (if not by code inspection, one can try to
cook up a systemtap script to verify such behaviour in-between chroots).
As for a solution, forking off a process which chroots is definitely on
the right track. However, I would argue what's really needed here is the
following: at the start, a container is created, the child gets in. Execs,
file system operations, just about everything has to be a request sent
to the child over e.g. a unix socket, but pipes could work too.
Filesystems in the container would not be fully populated (see: /dev/mem
& friends), but only have 'container-friendly' files.
That's definitely a lot of work and I'm not up to the task.
Regardless, commandvf vs chroot usage can be improved without said
significant work.
Mateusz Guzik