On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 10:41:37AM +0300, Evaggelos Balaskas wrote:
podwrapper.pl: wrote guestfs-release-notes.1
Wide character in print at
line 506.
podwrapper.pl: wrote ./html/guestfs-release-notes.1.html
This shouldn't happen at /usr/share/perl5/core_perl/Text/Wrap.pm line 84.
make[2]: *** [stamp-guestfs-release-notes.pod] Error 25
It looks like "Wide character in print" is an unrelated warning.
The real error is in Text::Wrap where we find this obscure piece of
if ($t =~ /\G([^\n]{0,$ll})($break|\n+|\z)/xmgc) {
$r .= $unexpand
? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
: $nl . $lead . $1;
$remainder = $2;
} elsif ($huge eq 'wrap' && $t =~ /\G([^\n]{$ll})/gc) {
$r .= $unexpand
? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
: $nl . $lead . $1;
$remainder = defined($separator2) ? $separator2 : $separator;
} elsif ($huge eq 'overflow' && $t =~
/\G([^\n]*?)($break|\n+|\z)/xmgc) {
$r .= $unexpand
? unexpand($nl . $lead . $1)
: $nl . $lead . $1;
$remainder = $2;
} elsif ($huge eq 'die') {
die "couldn't wrap '$t'";
} elsif ($columns < 2) {
warnings::warnif "Increasing \$Text::Wrap::columns from $columns to
$columns = 2;
return ($ip, $xp, @t);
} else {
die "This shouldn't happen"; <<<--- here
The command we are running is:
$ ./podwrapper.pl --section 1 --man guestfs-release-notes.1 --text
guestfs-release-notes.txt --html html/guestfs-release-notes.1.html --license GPLv2+
podwrapper.pl: wrote guestfs-release-notes.1
podwrapper.pl: wrote html/guestfs-release-notes.1.html
podwrapper.pl: wrote guestfs-release-notes.txt
which as you can see works fine for me.
I am guessing you are using Archlinux for this? Does the
podwrapper.pl command on its own work?
It may be something to do with a too-long line in the file ...
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Fedora Windows cross-compiler. Compile Windows programs, test, and
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