On 07/15/22 14:11, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Couple of confusing points here, but I think I sorted them all out:
- the cover letter says 2/2 instead of 0/2
- it wasn't clear to me that the final patch from the common series,
"[PATCH common 4/4] mltools: Allow waiting for killed PIDs", had not
been pushed (because now that patch would be superfluous)
- "[PATCH virt-v2v v3 1/2] output: Permit output modes to wait on the
local NBD server" is quite difficult to review without "-b", due to the
reindentation; however, after I applied it locally, it was quite reviewable.
- The idea to implement kill+wait with a one-off callback function in
virt-v2v, rather than pushing kill+wait down to libguestfs-common's
mltools/on_exit, is nice (we only really need this in virt-v2v, and
there we do centralize it), but the conceptual jump wasn't written up
anywhere (... anywhere I could see anyway), and I kind of had to deduce
the intent from the code... Such big changes are best put in commit
message changelogs or the cover letters.
Long story short:
Reviewed-by: Laszlo Ersek <lersek(a)redhat.com>