Actually there is a particular feature that i wannt try out---
the mount_local api. And i remembered it was added from
1.17.22. As a result i had to gave up the 1.17.17 which had long
been installed but not supportive , and after trials and errors
compiling , i decided to pick up the latest devel version.
And that`s the whole story with this thread :(
At the time it`s not likely to change the rhel6.1 environment to
later version.
any suggestion?
On 05/11/2012 05:15 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
I don't want to discourage you from compiling from source. But
there a particular feature of libguestfs 1.17.40 that you need which
isn't in libguestfs 1.16.19 from here?