On Tuesday, 3 January 2017 11:18:53 CET Cédric Bosdonnat wrote:
Getting checksum involves the same code than verifying them. Create
a get_checksum function and use it in verify_checksum.
The idea is good, although there are few issues:
- you need to rebase the patch on master, since the code changed and
this patch will not apply
- I'd call the function as 'calculate_checksum', as fits more what it
- I don't like much the usage of csum_t as parameter, since it's a bit
misleading to pass a checksum string which will be ignored; one idea
to avoid duplicating code with no need to refactor much could be
still use your approach internally of using a csum_t, constructing
that from the string of a checksum type -- something like:
let rec calculate_checksum csum_type filename =
do_calculate_checksum (of_string csum_type "")
and do_calculate_checksum csum filename =
(* rest of your code *)
calculate_checksum would be the public API (exported), while
do_calculate_checksum the private implementation used by
calculate_checksum and verify_checksum. Also, of_string already has
the string -> csum_t mapping, including raising an error on unknown
diff --git a/mllib/checksums.ml b/mllib/checksums.ml
index dfa8c3ae7..3efc764b9 100644
--- a/mllib/checksums.ml
+++ b/mllib/checksums.ml
@@ -45,23 +45,21 @@ let of_string csum_type csum_value =
| "sha512" -> SHA512 csum_value
| _ -> invalid_arg csum_type
-let verify_checksum csum filename =
- let prog, csum_ref =
- match csum with
- | SHA1 c -> "sha1sum", c
- | SHA256 c -> "sha256sum", c
- | SHA512 c -> "sha512sum", c
- in
+let get_checksum csum filename =
+ let prog = (string_of_csum_t csum) ^ "sum" in
I'd leave the way prog is set as it is, as it is more explicit,
and will be easier to adapt in the future when I get to make this code
work on non-GNU platforms (e.g. FreeBSD).
Pino Toscano