I'm trying to use guestmount to install some kernel modules in a guest:
[mbooth@mbooth linux-2.6 (amit)]$ make modules_install
ln: creating symbolic link
`/home/mbooth/etch/lib/modules/2.6.32-rc6/source': No such file or directory
make: *** [_modinst_] Error 1
I think something's screwy with symlinks. In the following, /tmp/source
is a symlink, and I have previously attempted to create a source symlink
in the current directory:
[mbooth@mbooth 2.6.32-rc6]$ rm source
rm: cannot remove `source': No such file or directory
[mbooth@mbooth 2.6.32-rc6]$ mv /tmp/source .
mv: cannot create symbolic link `./source': File exists
[mbooth@mbooth 2.6.32-rc6]$ ln -s /tmp foo
ln: creating symbolic link `foo': No such file or directory
[mbooth@mbooth 2.6.32-rc6]$ mv /tmp/source foo
mv: cannot create symbolic link `foo': File exists
[mbooth@mbooth 2.6.32-rc6]$ ls
Booting the guest shows that the symlinks haven't been created. So it
looks like there are 2 possibly related issues here:
1. Symlink creation doesn't seem to work
2. Something subsequently believes the symlink exists
I can create a BZ later.
Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team
M: +44 (0)7977 267231
GPG ID: D33C3490
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