On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 05:11:38PM +0530, Praveen Tiwari wrote:
Thanks for your time Richard.
We are still unable to proceed :( Please find the steps which we followed.
1. Installed Fedora 21 on both the physical machines. (PHYSICAL HARDWARE 1
, 2 == PHY1, PHY2).The hardwares used are HP SL nodes which has Hardware
RAID0 configured.
2. Installed following packages : yum install qemu libvirt-client
virt-manager virt-viewer guestfish libguestfs-tools virt-top
3. On the First physical hardware (P2V Machine PHY1), we execute the
following commands:
virt-p2v-make-kickstart fedora
livecd-creator p2v.ks
4 This creates the "livecd-p2v-2xxxxxx.iso which is copied outside of the
PHY1 P2V server.(We copy it on desktop)
5. We boot the same first physical machine, PHY1 by attaching the ISO as
Virtual CDROM device from the ILO console
6. We are able to see the Conversion Server' GUI login screen
7. After entering the credentials, we click on 'Test Connection' with
Conversion Server details' (SSH is working fine for the Conversion server,
PHY2 !)
'Next' button is never enabled !!! The error message says "End of
It's all good up to step 6.
Step 7 is a bug in virt-p2v, where it doesn't reveal the real error
message (see BZ# that I previously posted). However you can try to
diagnose the real problem:
In the virt-p2v GUI, press Ctrl+Alt+F1.
This should give you a root shell. If you need to log in, use root
with the password p2v
Then do:
ssh root@name-of-v2v-conversion-server
and fix any problem that may be stopping you from ssh-ing to the
conversion server.
Once you've fixed those, the 'test connection' button should work.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch