On Friday, 18 September 2020 11:44:04 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
let g = open_guestfs ~identifier:"v2v" () in
g#set_memsize (g#get_memsize () * 14 / 5);
+ (* Setting the number of vCPUs allows parallel mkinitrd. *)
+ g#set_smp (Sysconf.nr_processors_online ());
IMHO this is not a good idea, for few reasons:
a) it unconditionally uses all the available CPUs with no way to change
it to any other value
b) virt-v2v is run also on systems that are not specifically dedicated
as conversion servers, for example the oVirt hosts (that run the oVirt
VMs); in this context, suddently using more CPUs than requested may
saturate the system resources
IMHO the right approach is to add a --smp N option like available in
other libguestfs tools; this way, the user can decide how many
resources virt-v2v can use.
Pino Toscano