On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 11:03:21AM -0700, Alex Nelson wrote:
The reason for this change was to expose some of the handle's
fields. I wasn't sure how to detect being at the root node.
From the public API you can use:
hive_node_h some_node = ...;
if (some_node == hivex_root (h)) {
// you're at the root node
It also looked like a good place to stash the last-modified time of
the root node. With your ABI suggestions below, I think I have a
better way that doesn't muck with the handle structure.
Stashing the last-modified time in the handle may be a good idea, but
the handle structure doesn't have to be public to do this. When
writing or changing the library (ie. in lib/hivex.c) you already have
access to the internal structure of struct hive_h.
Thank you, I'll adjust my changes to use differently-named
functions. Is it acceptable style to you to have these become
Java-like wrapper functions, e.g.:
static int
node_start_with_time (hive_h *h, void *writer_v, hive_node_h node, const char *name,
const char *last_modified)
//Body: the node_start function as it is now, augmented with null-checking work on
static int
node_start (hive_h *h, void *writer_v, hive_node_h node, const char *name, const char
return node_start_with_time (h, write_v, node, name, NULL);
This preserves the C ABI, and prevents code duplication.
I'm not entirely sure what you mean here. Functions like 'node_start'
are defined by the caller of the hivex API, and so have nothing to do
with the implementation. To make this clearer: xml/hivexml.c is a
caller of the public API, while lib/hivex.c is the internal
implementation of the API.
If you mean using node_start_with_time instead of node_start2, then
yes that's a better name.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
libguestfs lets you edit virtual machines. Supports shell scripting,
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