  • 26 participants
  • 76 discussions
[PATCH 0/3] Add JSON output for virt-builder
by Pino Toscano
11 years
[PATCH 1/2] hivex: ruby: find files to install in correct directories when building out-of-tree
by Hilko Bengen
11 years
Mounting Snapshots
by Thorsten Sick
11 years
[PATCH] fuse: provide a stub "flush" implementation (RHBZ#660687).
by Pino Toscano
11 years
[PATCH 1/4] hivex: Python 2.6 does not have sysconfig.
by Hilko Bengen
11 years
[PATCH] fuse: remove extra trailing \n in debug messages
by Pino Toscano
11 years
Double fault panic in L2 upon v2v conversion
by Rom Freiman
11 years
[PATCH] hivex: Make empty strings in REG_MULTI_SZ values available.
by Hilko Bengen
11 years
hivex: Make node names and value names with embedded null characters accessible
by Hilko Bengen
11 years
Re: [Libguestfs] Livecd-creator is disabling selinux
by Richard W.M. Jones
11 years
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