[PATCH] use correct repos.d in zypp driver
by Olaf Hering
A temporary dir used during debugging was added in a previous patch.
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
index 4247d09..64cbb43 100644
--- a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
+++ b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ unset LANG ${!LC_*}
zypper \
%s \
%s \
- --root %S --reposd-dir /dev/shm/supermin/zypp/repos.d \
+ --root %S --reposd-dir /etc/zypp/repos.d \
--cache-dir %S \
--gpg-auto-import-keys \
--non-interactive \
11 years, 10 months
[PATCH] add --with-supermin-extra-options configure option
by Olaf Hering
Useful to pass --use-installed and other options to supermin.
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
Not even compile tested!!
appliance/make.sh.in | 3 +++
configure.ac | 13 +++++++++++++
2 files changed, 16 insertions(+)
diff --git a/appliance/make.sh.in b/appliance/make.sh.in
index 42d6b23..8ba1fa4 100755
--- a/appliance/make.sh.in
+++ b/appliance/make.sh.in
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ exec 5<&-
if [ "x@SUPERMIN_PACKAGER_CONFIG@" != "xno" ]; then
extra="--yum-config @SUPERMIN_PACKAGER_CONFIG@"
+if [ "x@SUPERMIN_EXTRA_OPTIONS@" != "xno" ]; then
+ extra="$extra @SUPERMIN_EXTRA_OPTIONS@"
echo @SUPERMIN@ -v -o supermin.d --names $(< packagelist ) $excludes $extra
@SUPERMIN@ -v -o supermin.d --names $(< packagelist ) $excludes $extra
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index f94a411..87d517b 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -473,6 +473,19 @@ AC_ARG_WITH([febootstrap-packager-config],
+dnl Pass additional supermin options.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for --with-supermin-extra-options option])
+ [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-supermin-extra-options=STRING],
+ [Pass additional supermin options. @<:@default=no@:>@])],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([not set])])
if test "x$enable_appliance" = "xyes"; then
test "x$SUPERMIN" = "xno" &&
AC_MSG_ERROR([supermin (formerly called febootstrap) must be installed])
11 years, 10 months
[PATCH] remove leading tabs in zypp driver
by Olaf Hering
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
index 1c6243d..4247d09 100644
--- a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
+++ b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ let rec zypp_rpm_list_files pkg =
| [filename; flags; mode; size] ->
let test_flag = String.contains flags in
let mode = int_of_string mode in
- let size = int_of_string size in
+ let size = int_of_string size in
if test_flag 'd' then None (* ignore documentation *)
else (
(* Skip unreadable files when called as non-root *)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ let rec zypp_rpm_list_files pkg =
List.map (fun name ->
name, { ft_dir = true; ft_ghost = false;
ft_config = false; ft_mode = 0o40755;
- ft_size = 0 }) dirs in
+ ft_size = 0 }) dirs in
let devs = [ "/dev/null"; "/dev/full"; "/dev/zero"; "/dev/random";
"/dev/urandom"; "/dev/tty"; "/dev/console";
"/dev/ptmx"; "/dev/stdin"; "/dev/stdout"; "/dev/stderr" ] in
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ let rec zypp_rpm_list_files pkg =
List.map (fun name ->
name, { ft_dir = false; ft_ghost = false;
ft_config = false; ft_mode = 0o644;
- ft_size = 0 }) devs in
+ ft_size = 0 }) devs in
dirs @ devs @ files
) else files in
11 years, 10 months
[PATCH] skip unreadable files in zypp_rpm_list_files
by Olaf Hering
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml | 8 +++++++-
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
index 720f50a..1c6243d 100644
--- a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
+++ b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
@@ -175,12 +175,18 @@ let rec zypp_rpm_list_files pkg =
let mode = int_of_string mode in
let size = int_of_string size in
if test_flag 'd' then None (* ignore documentation *)
- else
+ else (
+ (* Skip unreadable files when called as non-root *)
+ if Unix.getuid() > 0 &&
+ (try Unix.access filename [Unix.R_OK]; false with
+ Unix_error _ -> eprintf "supermin: EPERM %s\n%!" filename; true) then None
+ else
Some (filename, {
ft_dir = mode land 0o40000 <> 0;
ft_ghost = test_flag 'g'; ft_config = test_flag 'c';
ft_mode = mode; ft_size = size;
+ )
| _ ->
eprintf "supermin: bad output from rpm command: '%s'" line;
exit 1
11 years, 10 months
[PATCH] always work with empty --root in zypp driver
by Olaf Hering
The current mode of operation in the zypp driver is to download all
packages into a temporary pkg-cache-dir. Installed packages in the root
filesystem are ignored, otherwise zypper would download only a subset of
packages, and it would not provide a list of all required dependencies.
Remove the getuid check to force an empty root directory and use the
configured system repositories.
This works for root and non-root users.
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
index 51f01eb..2089837 100644
--- a/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
+++ b/src/supermin_zypp_rpm.ml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ pkg_cache_dir=%S
time zypper \
%s \
%s \
- %s \
+ --root %S --reposd-dir /etc/zypp/repos.d \
--cache-dir \"${cache_dir}\" \
--pkg-cache-dir \"${pkg_cache_dir}\" \
--gpg-auto-import-keys \
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ time zypper \
(if verbose then "--verbose --verbose" else "--quiet")
(match packager_config with None -> ""
| Some filename -> sprintf "--config %s" filename)
- (if Unix.getuid() > 0 then sprintf "--root %S --reposd-dir /etc/zypp/repos.d" tmp_root else "")
+ tmp_root
run_shell sh names;
11 years, 10 months
[PATCH 1/2] add run_shell helper
by Olaf Hering
The new run_shell helper is a copy of run_python,
and will be used by upcoming changes.
Signed-off-by: Olaf Hering <olaf(a)aepfle.de>
src/supermin_utils.ml | 9 +++++++++
src/supermin_utils.mli | 5 +++++
2 files changed, 14 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/supermin_utils.ml b/src/supermin_utils.ml
index f98e09a..cb8a27e 100644
--- a/src/supermin_utils.ml
+++ b/src/supermin_utils.ml
@@ -70,6 +70,15 @@ let run_command cmd =
exit 1
+let run_shell code args =
+ let cmd = sprintf "sh -c %s arg0 %s"
+ (Filename.quote code)
+ (String.concat " " (List.map Filename.quote args)) in
+ if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then (
+ eprintf "supermin: external shell program failed, see earlier error messages\n";
+ exit 1
+ )
let run_python code args =
let cmd = sprintf "python -c %s %s"
(Filename.quote code)
diff --git a/src/supermin_utils.mli b/src/supermin_utils.mli
index 54df1e8..c4a52c6 100644
--- a/src/supermin_utils.mli
+++ b/src/supermin_utils.mli
@@ -41,6 +41,11 @@ val run_command : string -> unit
when constructing the command to properly quote any arguments
(using {!Filename.quote}). *)
+val run_shell : string -> string list -> unit
+ (** [run_shell code args] runs shell [code] with arguments [args].
+ This does not return anything, but exits with an error message
+ if the shell code returns an error. *)
val run_python : string -> string list -> unit
(** [run_python code args] runs Python [code] with arguments [args].
This does not return anything, but exits with an error message
11 years, 10 months
Fwd: [Qemu-devel] debugging qemu-nbd.c
by Skippy VonDrake
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Skippy VonDrake <skippyvondrake(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Qemu-devel] debugging qemu-nbd.c
To: "Richard W.M. Jones" <rjones(a)redhat.com>
>> >> I have an app that forks a process with calls qemu-nbd with an offset
>> >> into an image.
>> >> The app then uses libguestfs to attach the nbd device.
>> >> But it appears that qemu is failing.
>> >
>> > When you say "qemu is failing", do you mean qemu-nbd, or the qemu
>> > subprocess that libguestfs uses? Does it print any error?
>> I believe it is the qemu subprocess that libguestfs is using.
>> I'm basing that assumption on the log file statements from both libguestfs
>> and qemu, and from stderr from libguestfs.
>> The only stderr from libguestfs is "child_cleanup:... child process died"
> Enable debugging in libguestfs to find out what's going on:
> http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs
guestfs_set_verbose(g,1) and guestfs_set_trace(g,1).
Below is the output.
Some messages may look unfamiliar because I placed some
statements in libguestfs just for a 'crude' tracing into the library.
The initial 'nbd_client_thread' message is one I placed in the qemu sources.
executing 'system(sudo rmmod nbd)
executing 'system(sudo modprobe nbd max_part=16)
setupNbdServer - size: 77824
setupNbdServer - system(serverCmd) string: qemu-nbd -v -n -o 77824 -t
-p 3000 -c /dev/nbd0 /home/skippy/mnt/mnt0/win7x64amdHP.vdi
nbd_client_thread:line 260::12806|939447:: qemu-NBD device /dev/nbd0
is NOWWW connected to /home/skippy/mnt/mnt0/win7x64amdHP.vdi
libguestfs: trace: add_drive "" "format:raw" "protocol:nbd"
libguestfs: trace: add_drive = 0
guestfs is launching the appliance
libguestfs: trace: launch
libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir
libguestfs: trace: get_tmpdir = "/tmp"
libguestfs: launch: attach-method=appliance
libguestfs: launch: tmpdir=/tmp/libguestfsscRysl
libguestfs: launch: umask=0022
libguestfs: launch: euid=0
libguestfs: [00000ms] begin testing qemu features
libguestfs: command: run:
libguestfs: command: run: \ -nographic
libguestfs: command: run: \ -help
libguestfs: command: run:
libguestfs: command: run: \ -nographic
libguestfs: command: run: \ -version
libguestfs: qemu version 1.4
libguestfs: command: run:
libguestfs: command: run: \ -nographic
libguestfs: command: run: \ -machine accel=kvm:tcg
libguestfs: command: run: \ -device ?
libguestfs: [00025ms] finished testing qemu features
libguestfs: [00025ms] r from fork: 13658 \n
\ libguestfs: error: appliance closed the connection unexpectedly,
see earlier error messages
libguestfs: child_cleanup: 0x11f4ba0: child process died
libguestfs: sending SIGTERM to process 13658
libguestfs: error:
exited with error status 1, see debug messages above
libguestfs: error: guestfs_launch failed, see earlier error messages
libguestfs: trace: launch = -1 (error)
ERROR from setupGuestfs-> guestfs_launch, errnum: 0
Last error msg: guestfs_launch failed, see earlier error messages
main thread exiting
libguestfs: trace: close
libguestfs: closing guestfs handle 0x11f4ba0 (state 0)
libguestfs: command: run: rm
libguestfs: command: run: \ -rf /tmp/libguestfsscRysl
As you can see, the output looks similar to my previous post. At which you
suggested that qemu might be failing. So that is when I started trying to
pinpoint the problem in qemu. And the 'chdir' command was the final point
at which my file-log statements ended. For that logging I'd open the log,
write a string and close the log each time.
One bit that might be of interest - my app does a fork/system command
to launch the ndb server. When I give the disconnect command (after the
error output above), I see this displayed from qemu:
$ nbd.c:nbd_trip():L1106: From: 18446744073709551104, Len: 0, Size:
20003880960, Offset: 77824
nbd.c:nbd_trip():L1107: requested operation past EOF--bad client?
The image is 20GB with a VDI header prepended to it. The size of
the header is displayed with "setupNbdServer - size: 77824" and
used for the offset parameter for qemu-nbd.
I don't know what to make of the "From" value nor the 'Len' of zero
in the last output.
11 years, 10 months
Re: [Libguestfs] [Qemu-devel] debugging qemu-nbd.c
by Richard W.M. Jones
On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 10:41:47AM -0400, Skippy VonDrake wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Richard W.M. Jones <rjones(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 10:18:50AM -0400, Skippy VonDrake wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> Apologies upfront if posting to this list is inappropriate.
> >>
> >> I have an app that forks a process with calls qemu-nbd with an offset
> >> into an image.
> >> The app then uses libguestfs to attach the nbd device.
> >> But it appears that qemu is failing.
> >
> > When you say "qemu is failing", do you mean qemu-nbd, or the qemu
> > subprocess that libguestfs uses? Does it print any error?
> I believe it is the qemu subprocess that libguestfs is using.
> I'm basing that assumption on the log file statements from both libguestfs
> and qemu, and from stderr from libguestfs.
> The only stderr from libguestfs is "child_cleanup:... child process died"
Enable debugging in libguestfs to find out what's going on:
> >> I'm using the latest qemu sources and placed file log statements within
> >> qemu-nbd.c to pinpoint the problem.
> >>
> >> The statement: " if (chdir("/") < 0)"
> >> appears to be the culprit.
> >>
> >> But the subsequent err() call is never reached. If I pull 'chdir' out of
> >> the 'IF' and assign a local var to its return - execution still seems to
> >> stop on the 'chdir'. So there is no opportunity to examine its return.
> >>
> >> What is the best approach to debugging this section of code?
> >
> > As a first step I would just add 'fprintf (stderr, ...)' straight into
> > the qemu-nbd.c file. Or run it under gdb.
> I haven't tried this with gdb yet but the log statements I described
> above were in the qemu-nbd.c file. And are successfully written
> up until the chdir command.
> I'll try attaching gdb...
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
Fedora now supports 80 OCaml packages (the OPEN alternative to F#)
11 years, 10 months