  • 12 participants
  • 37 discussions
read-write in LIBGUESTFS 1.20
by Evaggelos Balaskas
12 years
Status of libguestfs in Fedora, RHEL
by Richard W.M. Jones
12 years
Release notes appendix for libguestfs 1.20 on Fedora 18
by Richard W.M. Jones
12 years
virt-resize Fatal error: exception Guestfs.Error("e2fsck_f
by Phill Bandelow
12 years
inspect_os error with Win7 image
by Skippy VonDrake
12 years
[PATCH 1/2] daemon: NFC Use symbolic names in commandrvf
by Matthew Booth
12 years
febootstrap - Arch User Repository
by Evaggelos Balaskas
12 years
[PATCH] Add support for getting and setting GPT partition type GUIDs
by Matthew Booth
12 years
[PATCH] daemon: Add sentinel attribute to commandf and commandrf
by Matthew Booth
12 years
Lua improvements
by Hilko Bengen
12 years
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