guestfish zerofree on LVM ?
by Ben Clay
Is it safe to use the zerofree utility on an ext4 partition inside an LVM
with guestfish? I know zerofree works on ext4, but I am unsure about LVM.
The info page uses the syntax "zerofree <device>", so using the info page
example, could I (safely) do something like the following?
$ guestfish
Welcome to guestfish, the libguestfs filesystem interactive shell for
editing virtual machine filesystems.
Type: 'help' for a list of commands
'man' to read the manual
'quit' to quit the shell
><fs> add disk.img
><fs> run
><fs> list-filesystems
/dev/sda1: ext4
/dev/vg_guest/lv_root: ext4
/dev/vg_guest/lv_swap: swap
><fs> zerofree /dev/vg_guest/lv_root
Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
13 years, 4 months
Re: [Libguestfs] Some more Virt-P2V CD results
by Richard W.M. Jones
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 12:56:50PM -0500, Greg Scott wrote:
> OK, thanks. I just did a yum install virt-v2v on a Fedora 14 VM - but
> the man pages don't have anything about how to do physical machines. I
> already have a p2v CD built with virt-p2v-image-builder a while ago. I
> boot my source server from that CD - what do I do on the Fedora 14
> conversion VM? How do I tell it to get its input from a physical server
> instead of another VM?
Let's keep this on the upstream mailing list so that
discussion benefits everyone.
I'm not sure how compatible the protocol was between an old version of
the ISO and current versions. Matt will know in detail.
However I just pushed virt-p2v-image-builder to F14 quite recently.
The version in *F16* is known to be broken, but the version in F14 is
worth trying ...
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines. Tiny program with many
powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.
13 years, 4 months