On 17/07/09 11:21, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
IMHO doing this is a big mistake. This is what we did for
and hugely regret it. Things just don't fall into a nice hierarchy. We
are now looking at doing a flat list of distros + tagging/categorization
relationships to be defined.
Thanks, Dan.
What problems did you hit? I'm inclined to think I might get away with
it for virt-v2v because we also have so much other additional info about
the system. So far, 'redhat' pretty much means it uses rpm rather than
anything else.
Are you actually doing OS detection, or is this just for filling in
distro-specific defaults? What sort of data do you have on individual
Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team
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