On Thursday, 6 April 2017 12:04:21 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Previously the kernel_info field 'ki_supports_virtio' really
that the kernel supports virtio-net. That was used as a proxy to mean
the kernel supports virtio in general.
This change splits the field so we explicitly test for both virtio-blk
and virtio-net drivers, and store the results as separate fields.
The patch is straightforward, except for the change to the
'rebuild_initrd' function. Instead of making the module list
conditional on whether virtio-net is available and using the old
(probably wrong) fallback if it happens to be unavailable, this now
tries to enable the common virtio kernel modules (just the ones needed
for virtio-blk and virtio-net to work). The fallback is only used if
none of the common virtio modules can be found.
let best_kernel =
let compare_best_kernels k1 k2 =
- let i = compare k1.ki_supports_virtio k2.ki_supports_virtio in
+ let i = compare k1.ki_supports_virtio_net k2.ki_supports_virtio_net in
Should this consider both virtio-net+virtio-blk to determine that a
kernel "supports virtio"?
-let string_of_kernel_info ki =
- sprintf "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, virtio=%b, xen=%b, debug=%b)"
- ki.ki_name ki.ki_version ki.ki_arch ki.ki_vmlinuz
- (match ki.ki_initrd with None -> "None" | Some f -> f)
- (match ki.ki_config_file with None -> "None" | Some f -> f)
- ki.ki_supports_virtio ki.ki_is_xen_pv_only_kernel ki.ki_is_debug
+let print_kernel_info chan prefix ki =
Can you please expose this function (as interface in linux_kernels.mli)
in this patch already (instead of patch #9)?
Pino Toscano