On Friday, 15 July 2016 22:37:27 CEST Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Currently input such as "1ABC" or "1.1" is parsed
(as 1). If there is
trailing data on the command line, refuse to accept it.
In addition this parses the integer into a C 'long', which is as close
as we can get to the OCaml idea of a native int. This prevents the
gross rounding error from the earlier code if the integer parameter
was larger than 32 bits (on a 64 bit platform), but is still not
completely free of rounding problems because the OCaml type is 31 or
63 bits.
Probably we should have explicit 'int32' and 'int64' types in the
OCaml code, instead of using (native) 'int'.
Ops, apologies, this should have been correct when sending the initial
Getopt patch -- sending the fix I have locally here for few days.
Pino Toscano