On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 02:25:54PM -0700, Jon wrote:
Hello Richard,
Haha, ok, here's a good one: I commented that if statement out at line 300,
applied your patch (I see you updated the github of this code, perhaps
that's the best place to grab the code from), and when I run virt-sysprep,
I get the following parameter for my disk drive:
>> qemu-system-x86_64: -drive
error opening pool ibvirt-pool
Since "ibvirt-pool" doesn't exist. :)
So this says to me that the function "create_drive_non_file" is consuming
that first slash somewhere.
Unfortunately this code is rather intricate (and intricately broken),
but the problem is likely to be here:
/* Skip the mandatory leading '/' character on exportname. */
return safe_asprintf (g, "rbd:%s:mon_host=%s%s%s%s",
username ? username : "",
secret ? secret : "");
The problem that this code is trying (and failing) to deal with is
that when you use the URL on the guestfish command line, the URL is
something like "rbd://example.com/foo/bar" and the path part of this
has to start with a "/" character. There is simply no way to specify
a URL without this.
However this assumption should *not* have made its way into the
libguestfs library, since other paths into this code, such as from
libvirt XML, have no such restrictions.
So it's currently somewhat broken.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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