When creating ~/.ssh and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (in case they are
missing), change their ownership to the target user. If not, they are
owned by root.
customize/ssh_key.ml | 8 ++++++--
1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/customize/ssh_key.ml b/customize/ssh_key.ml
index 7c482e7..d05816c 100644
--- a/customize/ssh_key.ml
+++ b/customize/ssh_key.ml
@@ -115,20 +115,24 @@ let do_ssh_inject_unix (g : Guestfs.guestfs) user selector =
let home_dir = read_user_detail "home" in
+ let uid = int_of_string (read_user_detail "uid") in
+ let gid = int_of_string (read_user_detail "gid") in
g#aug_close ();
(* Create ~user/.ssh if it doesn't exist. *)
let ssh_dir = sprintf "%s/.ssh" home_dir in
if not (g#exists ssh_dir) then (
g#mkdir ssh_dir;
- g#chmod 0o700 ssh_dir
+ g#chmod 0o700 ssh_dir;
+ g#chown uid gid ssh_dir;
(* Create ~user/.ssh/authorized_keys if it doesn't exist. *)
let auth_keys = sprintf "%s/authorized_keys" ssh_dir in
if not (g#exists auth_keys) then (
g#touch auth_keys;
- g#chmod 0o600 auth_keys
+ g#chmod 0o600 auth_keys;
+ g#chown uid gid auth_keys;
(* Append the key. *)