Hi Ming,
On 27.09.23 14:46, Ming Xie wrote:
Hi Richard,
Sorry, I missed the email, I found out that the ova OS used by the customer is
win11 uefi, so I tried to reproduce the error today using win11-uefi guest
1. Convert win10-efi with UTC-8 timezone, win11-non-efi with UTC-8 timezone,
win11-efi with UTC-8 timezone, win11-efi with UTC+8 timezone, win2022-efi with
UTC-8 timezone from VMware by v2v, then check the installation status after
finishing conversion
Summary the test result as below:
Win10-efi-UTC-8 PASS
Win11-non-efi UTC-8 PASS
Win11-efi-UTC-8 FAIL(can't find qemu-ga log in c:\)
Win11-efi-UTC+8 FAIL(can't find qemu-ga log in c:\)
Win2022-efi-UTC-8 PASS
Based on the above results, I think this problem is only caused by win11-efi
and has nothing to do with the time zone "UTC-8"
hmm, where are you exactly setting the timezone? Within the guest, the scheduled
task, or in the libvirt XML description?
The Windows 11 trial VM in question (downloaded from
https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/ ->
https://aka.ms/windev_VM_vmware) comes with the timezone within the VM set to
If I also set the RTC clock for the VM in the libvirt XML description after
conversion like this:
<clock offset="timezone" timezone="US/Pacific">
<timer name="rtc" tickpolicy="catchup"/>
<timer name="pit" tickpolicy="delay"/>
<timer name="hpet" present="no"/>
<timer name="hypervclock" present="yes"/>
Then qemu-ga successfully gets installed after a 2 minute delay. If I leave the
default libvirt XML description at:
<clock offset="utc"/>
then the issue of qemu-ga not installing remains (the task is scheduled to run 7
hours in the future). So it is clearly an issue of the timezone of the guest and
what is passed from libvirt to be out of sync.
Would be nice to compare how you test it so we're on the same page. (Also, to
clarify, I'm running virt-v2v 2.2.0 without the proposed patches)
The following are existing bugs about qemu-ga:
*Bug 1820144* <
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1820144> - cannot
install qemu-ga to some guests even if scheduled qemu-ga installation task exist
*Bug 2114809* <
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2114809> - Can't
install qemu-ga because of network address error after converting MD-RAID1 win11
host by virt-p2v
*Bug 1820152* <
https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1820152> - Fail to
execute installation-qemu-ga.msi for win2012r2 and win8.1-i386 guests
Thanks & Regards
Ming Xie