On Sun, Feb 23, 2025 at 07:14:59PM -0000, Jacob Reger wrote:
Thanks for the approval :)
Somehow it still didn't work :-(
The cargo/crates.io team does not manage crates directly unless they
violate the terms, so they won't be willing to transfer ownership
without moratorium08's consent. I will reach out to moratorium08 and
see if they can transfer ownership to you (or another long term
maintainer if you know a better person for it).
If I can't reach them, we may have to create a new package and
sure that you are the owner, maybe something like
"guestfs-rs". Could I bother you to create a crates.io account if
you don't have one already? Should just link with your
GitHub. You'll need one to be marked as owner of the current
package, or to create the new package if I can't reach moratorium08.
Hopefully moratorium08 will transfer the old package. I have linked
my github account (rwmjones) to crates.io.
I don't mean to add work for you, but I think it's best if
package is owned by a long term maintainer/Red Hat employee.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
Read my programming and virtualization blog:
libguestfs lets you edit virtual machines. Supports shell scripting,
bindings from many languages.