On Tuesday, September 03, 2013 06:09:26 PM Mike Latimer wrote:
However, as mentioned in the bug, this parameter is likely no longer
required. Unless there is a use-case where this setting is required, it
seems like a good idea to remove it completely (which should work in
either libvirt or direct mode), rather than recommend the workaround.
As much as I hate to reply to myself... I just did some additional testing and
realized that if 'iface:ide' is removed, the disks could be inaccessible in
environments that don't have virtio_scsi (in the guestfs environment). In
other words, with just ata_piix, the 'iface:ide' might be required.
Do we know if there are any environments which are commonly missing the virtio
stack? (If the answer is not much, I'd still rather drop iface:ide, and work
with both backend types (through virtio_scsi).