On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 10:03:22PM +0000, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Instead of trying to split and parse elements from virtio-win paths,
use the '*.inf' files supplied with the drivers to control how Windows
drivers are installed.
I think it's a bit premature at this point.
AFAICS at least drivers for 6.0 (2k8) and 6.1 (7, 2k8r2) are identical,
while the .cat files are not: the ones for 2k8 have "Server2008X64" in
the .cat, while 7/2k8r2 have "7X64,Server2008R2X64" (can be seen with
'openssl asn1parse -in xxx.cat -inform der -i -dump' and digging through
the output, and no, I don't know yet if it can be done reliably).
So your code is not unlikely to find a driver with a matching .inf but a
non-matching .cat.
I've no idea how critical this is but I think we need to figure it out