On 04/14/22 17:40, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
On Thu, Apr 14, 2022 at 05:07:29PM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
> + let add_virtio_blk disk_id frontend_ctr =
> + (* Create a "virtio-blk-pci" device (front-end), together with its
> + * (back-end). The disk identifier is mandatory.
> + *)
> + let backend_name = sprintf "drive-vblk-%d" frontend_ctr in
If you just need a source of unique numbers you can use “unique ()”
(from Std_utils). A possible issue with this is that you won't get
the same output on every run, especially if something unrelated inside
virt-v2v changes, but that probably doesn't matter here. Especially
since we are printing the process ID in the output already, so that
ship has sailed.
This means you wouldn't need to call Array.iteri below.
I prefer sticking with Array.iteri: "frontend_ctr" is used in various
front-end properties, such as the primary/secondary master/slave
placement on (i440fx) IDE, the (q35) SATA port selection, the LUNs for
scsi-cd / scsi-hd, the unit number for floppies; so "frontend_ctr"
should iterate over consecutive, and small, integers.