On Thursday, 1 December 2016 13:22:48 CET Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
Support for RHEV with RHEL 6 nodes required us to output the old
qcow2 compat=0.10 images. Since RHEV 3.6 GA, RHEL 6 has not been
supported as a RHEV node type. Since RHV 4.1, compat=1.1 is supported.
Support for compat=1.1 is uncertain in RHV 4.0 even on RHEL 7 nodes.
There are significant downsides to using qcow2 compat=0.10 instead of
the modern default (compat=1.1).
Therefore this patch does two things:
For -o rhev, it drops support for compat=0.10 completely. You now
must use RHV 4.1.
For -o vdsm, it adds an interim flag (--vdsm-compat-11) which turns
off the previous behaviour. We can drop this flag later when all RHV
instances have moved to 4.1.
It also adds:
to the `virt-v2v --machine-readable' output to indicate that this flag
can be used.
Thanks: Yaniv Kaul, Michal Skrivanek.
Instead of a --vdsm-compat-11, what about a --vdsm-compat=VER option
(defaulting to 0.10, of course)? This way:
- it's easier to specify the precise compat version required
- there won't be changes needed in case of future qcow2 versions
- RHEV can tune it better according to what is needed
- changing the default won't hit people explicitly using a version
Pino Toscano