I try to install like below:
apt-get install libyajl2
apt-get install libyajl2-dev
apt-get install libyajl2-dbg
and rebuild again:
still the same errors happened
anyone has the same issue?
2017-07-25 18:27 GMT+08:00 Cedric Bosdonnat <cbosdonnat(a)suse.com>:
On Tue, 2017-07-25 at 17:42 +0800, lampahome wrote:
> why is undefined reference to 'yajl_tree_parse', I already install it
First thing I see is that it hasn't been installed to a place mentioned in
LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or not discovered at configure time. Since you are
working on a
linux machine, I guess your distro is providing the development packages
for libyajl:
it would be easier to install them rather than build from source.