On Sat, May 07, 2011 at 06:01:13PM -0400, Simson Garfinkel wrote:
I am writing to you about hivexml. Richard Jones told me that he
was considering abandoning this program. Instead, I am willing to
take over maintenance of it.
Not sure "abandoning", but I said that the format is broken, the
program is broken, and I'd like to deprecate both.
1. Is anybody using hivexml?
[speaking for me] No. The regedit format is what we're not using in
all the upstream and RHEL tools.
2. Is it important to be able to read the old XML format?
[speaking for me] no
3. We have had a hard time building hivexml on non-RedHat
systems. Is there any objection to my making this a standalone
Go ahead.
I would suggest (just to avoid confusion) you call your program
something else instead of 'hivexml'.
Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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