I spent the last few hours playing with virt-p2v, and here are few things
that I found, please tell me on which to submit a bug report:
1. I created a boot image (without any parameters) and tested it using
virt-manager. With QXL driver, when it loads the Xorg, it shows .. a blank
screen (I tried it tens of times). With VirtIO it works.
2. RHV-Upload - I see that the functionality is there, but there is a
missing field for password. Since I don't have oVirt installed at the
moment, does it asks for the password from the user? could someone please
add a box for this if the user chooses RHV-Upload?
3. There network to connect to - I think GUI wise, that it's not
understandable that you need to click the word "default" and change the
name manually. Perhaps change the name from "default" to something like
"Type Network Name"?
4. Looks like there is no way to type a pool name to export to (if I
select libvirt) or am I missing something? (let's say I have a pool called
NAS-10G). In the -os field I'm trying to put the NAS-10G (as the virt-v2v
man page suggests), but this seems not work.
5. Is there a way to access the ncurses mode? (for some really old
machines who don't respect VESA).