Factor the size checks out to separate functions. Besides, move the
definitions of functions called therein before the definition of the new
functions, for better readability.
Signed-off-by: Roman Kagan <rkagan(a)virtuozzo.com>
v2v/v2v.ml | 378 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 file changed, 190 insertions(+), 188 deletions(-)
diff --git a/v2v/v2v.ml b/v2v/v2v.ml
index c20cbf0..53456ea 100644
--- a/v2v/v2v.ml
+++ b/v2v/v2v.ml
@@ -183,6 +183,194 @@ let init_targets overlays source output output_format =
output#prepare_targets source targets
+(* Conversion can fail if there is no space on the guest filesystems
+ * (RHBZ#1139543). To avoid this situation, check there is some
+ * headroom. Mainly we care about the root filesystem.
+ *)
+let check_free_space mpstats =
+ message (f_"Checking for sufficient free disk space in the guest");
+ List.iter (
+ fun { mp_path = mp;
+ mp_statvfs = { G.bfree = bfree; blocks = blocks; bsize = bsize } } ->
+ (* Ignore small filesystems. *)
+ let total_size = blocks *^ bsize in
+ if total_size > 100_000_000L then (
+ (* bfree = free blocks for root user *)
+ let free_bytes = bfree *^ bsize in
+ let needed_bytes =
+ match mp with
+ | "/" ->
+ (* We may install some packages, and they would usually go
+ * on the root filesystem.
+ *)
+ 20_000_000L
+ | "/boot" ->
+ (* We usually regenerate the initramfs, which has a
+ * typical size of 20-30MB. Hence:
+ *)
+ 50_000_000L
+ | _ ->
+ (* For everything else, just make sure there is some free space. *)
+ 10_000_000L in
+ if free_bytes < needed_bytes then
+ error (f_"not enough free space for conversion on filesystem '%s'.
%Ld bytes free < %Ld bytes needed")
+ mp free_bytes needed_bytes
+ )
+ ) mpstats
+(* Estimate the space required on the target for each disk. It is the
+ * maximum space that might be required, but in reasonable cases much
+ * less space would actually be needed.
+ *
+ * As a starting point we could take ov_virtual_size (plus a tiny
+ * overhead for qcow2 headers etc) as the maximum. However that's not
+ * very useful. Other information we have available is:
+ *
+ * - The list of filesystems across the source disk(s).
+ *
+ * - The disk used/free of each of those filesystems, and the
+ * filesystem type.
+ *
+ * Note that we do NOT have the used size of the source disk (because
+ * it may be remote).
+ *
+ * How do you attribute filesystem usage through to backing disks,
+ * since one filesystem might span multiple disks?
+ *
+ * How do you account for non-filesystem usage (eg. swap, partitions
+ * that libguestfs cannot read, the space between LVs/partitions)?
+ *
+ * Another wildcard is that although we try to run {c fstrim} on each
+ * source filesystem, it can fail in some common scenarios. Also
+ * qemu-img will do zero detection. Both of these can be big wins when
+ * they work.
+ *
+ * The algorithm used here is this:
+ *
+ * (1) Calculate the total virtual size of all guest filesystems.
+ * eg: [ "/boot" = 500 MB, "/" = 2.5 GB ], total = 3 GB
+ *
+ * (2) Calculate the total virtual size of all source disks.
+ * eg: [ sda = 1 GB, sdb = 3 GB ], total = 4 GB
+ *
+ * (3) The ratio of (1):(2) is the maximum that could be freed up if
+ * all filesystems were effectively zeroed out during the conversion.
+ * eg. ratio = 3/4
+ *
+ * (4) Work out how much filesystem space we are likely to save if
+ * fstrim works, but exclude a few cases where fstrim will probably
+ * fail (eg. filesystems that don't support fstrim). This is the
+ * conversion saving.
+ * eg. [ "/boot" = 200 MB used, "/" = 1 GB used ], saving = 3 - 1.2 =
+ *
+ * (5) Scale the conversion saving (4) by the ratio (3), and allocate
+ * that saving across all source disks in proportion to their
+ * virtual size.
+ * eg. scaled saving is 1.8 * 3/4 = 1.35 GB
+ * sda has 1/4 of total virtual size, so it gets a saving of 1.35/4
+ * sda final estimated size = 1 - (1.35/4) = 0.6625 GB
+ * sdb has 3/4 of total virtual size, so it gets a saving of 3 * 1.35 / 4
+ * sdb final estimate size = 3 - (3*1.35/4) = 1.9875 GB
+ *)
+let estimate_target_size mpstats targets =
+ let sum = List.fold_left (+^) 0L in
+ (* (1) *)
+ let fs_total_size =
+ sum (
+ List.map (fun { mp_statvfs = s } -> s.G.blocks *^ s.G.bsize) mpstats
+ ) in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: fs_total_size = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
+ fs_total_size (human_size fs_total_size);
+ (* (2) *)
+ let source_total_size =
+ sum (List.map (fun t -> t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size) targets) in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: source_total_size = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
+ source_total_size (human_size source_total_size);
+ if source_total_size = 0L then (* Avoid divide by zero error. *)
+ targets
+ else (
+ (* (3) Store the ratio as a float to avoid overflows later. *)
+ let ratio =
+ Int64.to_float fs_total_size /. Int64.to_float source_total_size in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: ratio = %.3f\n%!" ratio;
+ (* (4) *)
+ let fs_free =
+ sum (
+ List.map (
+ function
+ (* On filesystems supported by fstrim, assume we can save all
+ * the free space.
+ *)
+ | { mp_vfs =
"ext2"|"ext3"|"ext4"|"xfs"; mp_statvfs = s }
+ s.G.bfree *^ s.G.bsize
+ (* fstrim is only supported on NTFS very recently, and has a
+ * lot of limitations. So make the safe assumption for now
+ * that it's not going to work.
+ *)
+ | { mp_vfs = "ntfs" } -> 0L
+ (* For other filesystems, sorry we can't free anything :-/ *)
+ | _ -> 0L
+ ) mpstats
+ ) in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: fs_free = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
+ fs_free (human_size fs_free);
+ let scaled_saving = Int64.of_float (Int64.to_float fs_free *. ratio) in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: scaled_saving = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
+ scaled_saving (human_size scaled_saving);
+ (* (5) *)
+ let targets = List.map (
+ fun ({ target_overlay = ov } as t) ->
+ let size = ov.ov_virtual_size in
+ let proportion =
+ Int64.to_float size /. Int64.to_float source_total_size in
+ let estimated_size =
+ size -^ Int64.of_float (proportion *. Int64.to_float scaled_saving) in
+ if verbose () then
+ printf "estimate_target_size: %s: %Ld [%s]\n%!"
+ ov.ov_sd estimated_size (human_size estimated_size);
+ { t with target_estimated_size = Some estimated_size }
+ ) targets in
+ targets
+ )
+let get_mpstats g =
+ (* Collect statvfs information from the guest mountpoints. *)
+ let mpstats = List.map (
+ fun (dev, path) ->
+ let statvfs = g#statvfs path in
+ let vfs = g#vfs_type dev in
+ { mp_dev = dev; mp_path = path; mp_statvfs = statvfs; mp_vfs = vfs }
+ ) (g#mountpoints ()) in
+ if verbose () then (
+ (* This is useful for debugging speed / fstrim issues. *)
+ printf "mpstats:\n";
+ List.iter (print_mpstat Pervasives.stdout) mpstats
+ );
+ mpstats
+let check_target_free_space mpstats source targets output =
+ (* Estimate space required on target for each disk. Note this is a max. *)
+ message (f_"Estimating space required on target for each disk");
+ let targets = estimate_target_size mpstats targets in
+ output#check_target_free_space source targets
let rec main () =
(* Handle the command line. *)
let input, output,
@@ -222,32 +410,9 @@ let rec main () =
message (f_"Inspecting the overlay");
let inspect = inspect_source g root_choice in
- (* The guest free disk space check and the target free space
- * estimation both require statvfs information from mountpoints, so
- * get that information first.
- *)
- let mpstats = List.map (
- fun (dev, path) ->
- let statvfs = g#statvfs path in
- let vfs = g#vfs_type dev in
- { mp_dev = dev; mp_path = path; mp_statvfs = statvfs; mp_vfs = vfs }
- ) (g#mountpoints ()) in
- if verbose () then (
- (* This is useful for debugging speed / fstrim issues. *)
- printf "mpstats:\n";
- List.iter (print_mpstat Pervasives.stdout) mpstats
- );
- (* Check there is enough free space to perform conversion. *)
- message (f_"Checking for sufficient free disk space in the guest");
+ let mpstats = get_mpstats g in
check_free_space mpstats;
- (* Estimate space required on target for each disk. Note this is a max. *)
- message (f_"Estimating space required on target for each disk");
- let targets = estimate_target_size mpstats targets in
- output#check_target_free_space source targets;
+ check_target_free_space mpstats source targets output;
(* Conversion. *)
let guestcaps =
@@ -597,41 +762,6 @@ and inspect_source g root_choice =
if verbose () then printf "%s%!" (string_of_inspect inspect);
-(* Conversion can fail if there is no space on the guest filesystems
- * (RHBZ#1139543). To avoid this situation, check there is some
- * headroom. Mainly we care about the root filesystem.
- *)
-and check_free_space mpstats =
- List.iter (
- fun { mp_path = mp;
- mp_statvfs = { G.bfree = bfree; blocks = blocks; bsize = bsize } } ->
- (* Ignore small filesystems. *)
- let total_size = blocks *^ bsize in
- if total_size > 100_000_000L then (
- (* bfree = free blocks for root user *)
- let free_bytes = bfree *^ bsize in
- let needed_bytes =
- match mp with
- | "/" ->
- (* We may install some packages, and they would usually go
- * on the root filesystem.
- *)
- 20_000_000L
- | "/boot" ->
- (* We usually regenerate the initramfs, which has a
- * typical size of 20-30MB. Hence:
- *)
- 50_000_000L
- | _ ->
- (* For everything else, just make sure there is some free space. *)
- 10_000_000L in
- if free_bytes < needed_bytes then
- error (f_"not enough free space for conversion on filesystem '%s'.
%Ld bytes free < %Ld bytes needed")
- mp free_bytes needed_bytes
- )
- ) mpstats
(* Perform the fstrim. The trimming bit is easy. Dealing with the
* [--no-trim] parameter .. not so much.
@@ -691,134 +821,6 @@ and do_fstrim g no_trim inspect =
) fses
-(* Estimate the space required on the target for each disk. It is the
- * maximum space that might be required, but in reasonable cases much
- * less space would actually be needed.
- *
- * As a starting point we could take ov_virtual_size (plus a tiny
- * overhead for qcow2 headers etc) as the maximum. However that's not
- * very useful. Other information we have available is:
- *
- * - The list of filesystems across the source disk(s).
- *
- * - The disk used/free of each of those filesystems, and the
- * filesystem type.
- *
- * Note that we do NOT have the used size of the source disk (because
- * it may be remote).
- *
- * How do you attribute filesystem usage through to backing disks,
- * since one filesystem might span multiple disks?
- *
- * How do you account for non-filesystem usage (eg. swap, partitions
- * that libguestfs cannot read, the space between LVs/partitions)?
- *
- * Another wildcard is that although we try to run {c fstrim} on each
- * source filesystem, it can fail in some common scenarios. Also
- * qemu-img will do zero detection. Both of these can be big wins when
- * they work.
- *
- * The algorithm used here is this:
- *
- * (1) Calculate the total virtual size of all guest filesystems.
- * eg: [ "/boot" = 500 MB, "/" = 2.5 GB ], total = 3 GB
- *
- * (2) Calculate the total virtual size of all source disks.
- * eg: [ sda = 1 GB, sdb = 3 GB ], total = 4 GB
- *
- * (3) The ratio of (1):(2) is the maximum that could be freed up if
- * all filesystems were effectively zeroed out during the conversion.
- * eg. ratio = 3/4
- *
- * (4) Work out how much filesystem space we are likely to save if
- * fstrim works, but exclude a few cases where fstrim will probably
- * fail (eg. filesystems that don't support fstrim). This is the
- * conversion saving.
- * eg. [ "/boot" = 200 MB used, "/" = 1 GB used ], saving = 3 - 1.2 =
- *
- * (5) Scale the conversion saving (4) by the ratio (3), and allocate
- * that saving across all source disks in proportion to their
- * virtual size.
- * eg. scaled saving is 1.8 * 3/4 = 1.35 GB
- * sda has 1/4 of total virtual size, so it gets a saving of 1.35/4
- * sda final estimated size = 1 - (1.35/4) = 0.6625 GB
- * sdb has 3/4 of total virtual size, so it gets a saving of 3 * 1.35 / 4
- * sdb final estimate size = 3 - (3*1.35/4) = 1.9875 GB
- *)
-and estimate_target_size mpstats targets =
- let sum = List.fold_left (+^) 0L in
- (* (1) *)
- let fs_total_size =
- sum (
- List.map (fun { mp_statvfs = s } -> s.G.blocks *^ s.G.bsize) mpstats
- ) in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: fs_total_size = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
- fs_total_size (human_size fs_total_size);
- (* (2) *)
- let source_total_size =
- sum (List.map (fun t -> t.target_overlay.ov_virtual_size) targets) in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: source_total_size = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
- source_total_size (human_size source_total_size);
- if source_total_size = 0L then (* Avoid divide by zero error. *)
- targets
- else (
- (* (3) Store the ratio as a float to avoid overflows later. *)
- let ratio =
- Int64.to_float fs_total_size /. Int64.to_float source_total_size in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: ratio = %.3f\n%!" ratio;
- (* (4) *)
- let fs_free =
- sum (
- List.map (
- function
- (* On filesystems supported by fstrim, assume we can save all
- * the free space.
- *)
- | { mp_vfs =
"ext2"|"ext3"|"ext4"|"xfs"; mp_statvfs = s }
- s.G.bfree *^ s.G.bsize
- (* fstrim is only supported on NTFS very recently, and has a
- * lot of limitations. So make the safe assumption for now
- * that it's not going to work.
- *)
- | { mp_vfs = "ntfs" } -> 0L
- (* For other filesystems, sorry we can't free anything :-/ *)
- | _ -> 0L
- ) mpstats
- ) in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: fs_free = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
- fs_free (human_size fs_free);
- let scaled_saving = Int64.of_float (Int64.to_float fs_free *. ratio) in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: scaled_saving = %Ld [%s]\n%!"
- scaled_saving (human_size scaled_saving);
- (* (5) *)
- let targets = List.map (
- fun ({ target_overlay = ov } as t) ->
- let size = ov.ov_virtual_size in
- let proportion =
- Int64.to_float size /. Int64.to_float source_total_size in
- let estimated_size =
- size -^ Int64.of_float (proportion *. Int64.to_float scaled_saving) in
- if verbose () then
- printf "estimate_target_size: %s: %Ld [%s]\n%!"
- ov.ov_sd estimated_size (human_size estimated_size);
- { t with target_estimated_size = Some estimated_size }
- ) targets in
- targets
- )
(* Update the target_actual_size field in the target structure. *)
and actual_target_size target =
{ target with target_actual_size = du target.target_file }