
I have been testing:

virt-v2v preview packages for RHEL and CentOS 7.1

and have been able to almost get it to work. There seems to be a bug where the software tries to mount a disk partition as /sysroot. An attempt is made to make /dev/sda2 as sysroot; however, the root partition is an LVM partition (/dev/mapper/centos-root). An error is given when an attempt is made to cop the virtio drivers to the VM: (a snippet of the verbose debug log)

cp /sysroot/usr/share/virtio-win/drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/viostor.sys /sysroot/Wi
cp: cannot stat '/sysroot/usr/share/virtio-win/drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/viostor.s
ys': No such file or directory
guestfsd: error: cp: cannot stat '/sysroot/usr/share/virtio-win/drivers/amd64/Wi
n2012R2/viostor.sys': No such file or directory
guestfsd: main_loop: proc 87 (cp) took 0.06 seconds
libguestfs: trace: cp = -1 (error)
libguestfs: trace: hivex_close
guestfsd: main_loop: new request, len 0x28
hivex: hivex_close: hivex_close
libguestfs: trace: hivex_close = 0
virt-v2v: error: libguestfs error: cp: cp: cannot stat
'/sysroot/usr/share/virtio-win/drivers/amd64/Win2012R2/viostor.sys': No
such file or directory

I have attached the entire output of the verbose debugging log.
