Hello Rich,

thank you for your information.

There are 3 Files attached to this E-Mail.

1. Output of libguestfs-test-tool with Result  = OK

2. guestfish session with the first Server mail019001. There are problems with vmail-vg and vmail-lv.

This Server is actual productive.

3. guestfish session with the second server mail019000-backup. There are problems with mail-vg and mail-lv.

This server is newly installed with comparable VGs and LVs except of Partitions on /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc.

The Backupserver, where the images were restored from Bareos, is a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with actual Updates and Upgrades.

root@b019001:/restore/mail019001/mail019001-restore-05# cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS \n \l

root@b019001:/restore/mail019001/mail019001-restore-05# uname -a
Linux b019001 5.4.0-73-generic #82-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 14 17:39:42 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

libguestfs was installed with "apt install libguestfs-tools".

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
ppa. Olaf Gottschalk
raw Rechen-Anlage West GmbH
Postfach 1120 | 52368 Kreuzau

Empfang: +49 2421 9555-0 | raw@raw.de Sitz der Gesellschaft: Am Burgholz 33-35 | 52372 Kreuzau-Stockheim
Hotline: +49 2421 9555-55 | hotline@raw.de Geschäftsführer: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Kutsch
Internet: www.raw.de Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Düren HRB 134

UST- ID: DE 122 278 535
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Am 18.05.21 um 11:37 schrieb Richard W.M. Jones:
On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 09:36:12AM +0200, Gottschalk wrote:
Hello Mr. Jones,

we use guestfish 1.4
This version was released 11 years ago??

we have an emergency of Data Recovery. We restored a ESXi 6.7 VMware-Image and
wanted to read the data inside with guestfish.

The structure of the vm is based on LVM.

The first disk with the os inside a LV can be mounted correctly.

Two disks a 400GB are covered in a Volumegroup. There is one logical Volume
with 800GB in this VG.

Guestfish does not read the filesystem in this LV.

I tried

<fs>add disk1.vmdk

<fs>add disk2.vmdk

<fs>add disk3.vmdk



On sdb and sdc there are no partitions. The LV resides directly on these disks.
I simulated  this with partitioned disks and identically result.

behavior without partitions on sdb and sdc
<fs> list-filesystems
/dev/mailxxx-vg/root: ext4
/dev/mailxxx-vg/swap_1: swap
/dev/vmail-vg/vmail-lv: unknown

behavior with partitions on sdb and sdc
<fs> list-filesystems
libguestfs: error: list_filesystems: parted exited with status 1: Error: Can't
have a partition outside the disk!

<fs>mount /dev/mailxxx-vg/root /
works fine
<fs>mount/dev/vmail-vg/vmail-lv /
libguestfs: error: mount: mount_stub: /dev/vmail-vg/vmail-lv: expecting a
device name

How can i get access to this LV?
Can you help me please?
Thank you very much.
I would suggest enabling debugging to start with, which should give
you more information about what is actually going on.  This section of
the FAQ will explain how to do that:

