Thank you very much for your help, we will give it a try !

2014-02-27 13:24 GMT+01:00 Richard W.M. Jones <>:
On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 04:32:32PM +0100, Safa Rekik wrote:
> Ah OK, and what about generating the libguestfs-live-service for centos ? I
> know that they may compatibilities issues with the distribution of source
> rpm for fedora >=16

We don't want to support libguestfs-live on RHEL, and the only way to
enable it in CentOS would be to enable it in RHEL too.

FWIW RHEL 6 carries the following patch:

You could modify the libguestfs RHEL 6 spec file, remove that patch.

You'll also need to modify the spec file to add the live-service
subpackage.  As an example of what to do, see the Fedora spec file:
and search for the string 'live-service'.

Actually I just realized that uses systemd units, not sysvinit, so
that's not totally simple to emulate on RHEL 6.

> Actually i prefer not have all our guests overburdened with the libguestfs
> package while we just need the daemon.

You can compile libguestfs on one machine, and copy the
libguestfs-live-service RPM to the guests.

> Beside i believe that with the live-service packege, closing the guestfs
> handle does not cause the daemon to exit (correct me if i am wrong)

This is correct, yes.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
libguestfs lets you edit virtual machines.  Supports shell scripting,
bindings from many languages.
