SELinux: sh: 1: getenforce: not found
guestfs_get_append: (null)
guestfs_get_autosync: 1
guestfs_get_backend: direct
guestfs_get_backend_settings: []
guestfs_get_cachedir: /var/tmp
guestfs_get_direct: 0
guestfs_get_hv: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
guestfs_get_memsize: 500
guestfs_get_network: 0
guestfs_get_path: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/guestfs
guestfs_get_pgroup: 0
guestfs_get_program: libguestfs-test-tool
guestfs_get_recovery_proc: 1
guestfs_get_selinux: 0
guestfs_get_smp: 1
guestfs_get_tmpdir: /tmp
guestfs_get_trace: 0
guestfs_get_verbose: 1
host_cpu: x86_64
Launching appliance, timeout set to 600 seconds.
libguestfs: launch: program=libguestfs-test-tool
libguestfs: launch: version=1.32.2
libguestfs: launch: backend registered: unix
libguestfs: launch: backend registered: uml
libguestfs: launch: backend registered: libvirt
libguestfs: launch: backend registered: direct
libguestfs: launch: backend=direct
libguestfs: launch: tmpdir=/tmp/libguestfsDmE6MS
libguestfs: launch: umask=0002
libguestfs: launch: euid=1000
libguestfs: [00000ms] begin building supermin appliance
libguestfs: [00000ms] run supermin
libguestfs: command: run: /usr/bin/supermin
libguestfs: command: run: \ --build
libguestfs: command: run: \ --verbose
libguestfs: command: run: \ --if-newer
libguestfs: command: run: \ --lock /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/lock
libguestfs: command: run: \ --copy-kernel
libguestfs: command: run: \ -f ext2
libguestfs: command: run: \ --host-cpu x86_64
libguestfs: command: run: \ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/guestfs/supermin.d
libguestfs: command: run: \ -o /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d
supermin: version: 5.1.14
supermin: package handler: debian/dpkg
supermin: acquiring lock on /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/lock
supermin: if-newer: output does not need rebuilding
libguestfs: [00010ms] finished building supermin appliance
libguestfs: [00010ms] begin testing qemu features
libguestfs: command: run: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
libguestfs: command: run: \ -display none
libguestfs: command: run: \ -help
libguestfs: command: run: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
libguestfs: command: run: \ -display none
libguestfs: command: run: \ -version
libguestfs: qemu version 2.5
libguestfs: command: run: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64
libguestfs: command: run: \ -display none
libguestfs: command: run: \ -machine accel=kvm:tcg
libguestfs: command: run: \ -device ?
libguestfs: [00149ms] finished testing qemu features
[00150ms] /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -global virtio-blk-pci.scsi=off \
    -nodefconfig \
    -enable-fips \
    -nodefaults \
    -display none \
    -machine accel=kvm:tcg \
    -cpu host \
    -m 500 \
    -no-reboot \
    -rtc driftfix=slew \
    -no-hpet \
    -global kvm-pit.lost_tick_policy=discard \
    -kernel /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/kernel \
    -initrd /var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/initrd \
    -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi \
    -drive file=/tmp/libguestfsDmE6MS/scratch.1,cache=unsafe,format=raw,id=hd0,if=none \
    -device scsi-hd,drive=hd0 \
    -drive file=/var/tmp/.guestfs-1000/appliance.d/root,snapshot=on,id=appliance,cache=unsafe,if=none \
    -device scsi-hd,drive=appliance \
    -device virtio-serial-pci \
    -serial stdio \
    -device sga \
    -chardev socket,path=/tmp/libguestfsDmE6MS/guestfsd.sock,id=channel0 \
    -device virtserialport,chardev=channel0, \
    -append 'panic=1 console=ttyS0 udevtimeout=6000 udev.event-timeout=6000 no_timer_check acpi=off printk.time=1 cgroup_disable=memory root=/dev/sdb selinux=0 guestfs_verbose=1 TERM=xterm-256color'
Could not open option rom 'sgabios.bin': No such file or directory
KVM_GET_IRQCHIP failed: Unknown error -25
libguestfs: error: appliance closed the connection unexpectedly, see earlier error messages
libguestfs: child_cleanup: 0x16a12d0: child process died
libguestfs: sending SIGTERM to process 36548
libguestfs: error: /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 killed by signal 6 (Aborted), see debug messages above
libguestfs: error: guestfs_launch failed, see earlier error messages
libguestfs-test-tool: failed to launch appliance
libguestfs: closing guestfs handle 0x16a12d0 (state 0)
libguestfs: command: run: rm
libguestfs: command: run: \ -rf /tmp/libguestfsDmE6MS