
I'm using SolusVM control panel to create KVM VPS. Suddenly, I can't make any VPS on Host-Node. Their build log says the SolusVM can't read the libguestfs in server.

During the debug, I've tried to mount existing VPS using guestmount command and  I can't mount the KVM image.

Please check here.

[root@msv07 /]# guestmount -i -a /dev/msv07data/kvm139_img /mnt
libguestfs: error: guestfs_launch failed.
See http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-faq.1.html#debugging-libguestfs
and/or run 'libguestfs-test-tool'.
[root@msv07 /]#

I've attached libguestfs-test-tool output (untitled document 1) and debug output of guestmount command here(untitled document 2). 

Please take a look and respond asap, Last time I've opened a ticket, we got response after one day..

Please make this hurry, I've invested whole day on this issue. But I can't solve it.